523 Topics

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Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello, Where can I download Python 3.4.0 for Linux ? On the official website of Python I can find releases only for Windows and Mac OS. Thanks for your help.

Member Avatar for begueradj
Member Avatar for BinaryDigit

Hey everyone! Hosftra comp sci grad here who got into IT for my career. I think I remember Dani from college! So happy to finally register for this awesome community! I'd like to get back into programming a tiny bit with arduino and the Raspberry Pi. See ya around the …

Member Avatar for MicahFountain
Member Avatar for begueradj

Hello I have downloaded a source code written in C. There I found a Makefile file . Can you tell me how to run that "makefile" file from command line ? thank you

Member Avatar for biswajit.jgec
Member Avatar for phoenix_2000

Heya all, I'm working on a small 'file browser', where the list of files is printed in a console (for now), but where the user inserts the file's path in a GUI. My gui is rather simple: one frame and one panel containing a JTextField and a JButton. I want …

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Member Avatar for mayankjoin
Member Avatar for Fedoros
Member Avatar for Sugondo

i have some problem about link the library to executable. i tried to statically linking but when i create the .a file i always failed, what i want to know is there any way for the exe look up into current directory instead of the system if i has all …

Member Avatar for richieking
Member Avatar for roshan_iiita

I am trying to run a shell script at a fixed time with the help of "at" command. But it doesn't seem to work. For example, I created a shell script named as "task" having content: vlc and schedule it to run at 21:52 with the command: $at -f task …

Member Avatar for alex.sergeev.311
Member Avatar for cwarn23

Hi, recently I have wanted to learn how to write Windows native binary code to make a binary script which in one form or another will display hello world. I am hoping to eventually create a more efficient compiler using this method but as you should understand already, this is …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

You can teach your linux system that executable python files must be executed with /usr/bin/python. This allows you to write python scripts without the shebang line [icode]#!/usr/bin/env python[/icode]. This snippet shows you how to do it !

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for jeansantos

I need a script that connects to a device on my network and export a list of data... #!/usr/local/bin/expect -f spawn telnet hostname expect -exact "Username:" send -- "username\r" expect -exact "Password:" send -- "password\r" expect "#" send -- "command\r" interact expect "#" send -- "logout\r"` I get some desired …

Member Avatar for masijade
Member Avatar for cool_zephyr

hi everyone. i've used the following way to store the uploaded files into D: drive of my windows machine from Tomcat server and it works pretty goood. private final String directoryPath="D:\\uploadedFiles\\"; File f=new File("D:\\uploadedFiles\\"+fileName); InputStream in=file.getInputStream(); OutputStream out=new FileOutputStream(directoryPath+fileName); byte[] buff=new byte[4096]; int count=0; while((count=in.read(buff))!=-1) { out.write(buff, 0, count); } …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for yankeefan24

Im having problems with Tomcat on a red hat virtual box. Tomcat is installed and it talks to java. it work localhost to localhost but when I try to open port 8080 from outsite localhost it wont work. Any ideas why? Im new to Tomcat and JSP

Member Avatar for ajaykiet2
Member Avatar for anuran

iam trying to optimize a code i want to run code for arm_no=1000, its running for 100 arms but further increasing causes segmentation fault core dumped. to run the code use $ g++ Epsilon_greed.cpp -lm `gsl-config --libs` $ ./a.out but you'll have to install libgsl0 i.e gnu scientific library. #include<stdio.h> …

Member Avatar for anuran
Member Avatar for kvahanyan

Hello people, I want create and use a simple library but this is the first time, so I need help. 1. If I have cpp file with it's header, how do I create a shared library with g++. 2. After I created the .so library, how do I include it …

Member Avatar for vijayan121
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

The EE Times [URL="http://www.eetimes.com/news/latest/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=CK0UKKNE0NKJCQSNDLSCKHA?articleID=213402554"]reported[/URL] earlier this week that the Dell E4200 and E4300 laptops are running both Linux and Windows on the same machine. Why both you ask? The Linux OS provides a quick boot for checking email and other "light" computing duties while the Windows side allows "heavier duty" …

Member Avatar for bustyesc
Member Avatar for Ahsaas

I'm writing some code to serialize some data and write the serialize data to a file on disk. Currently data is in void* buffer and then trying to serialize using tpl with TPL_MEM so that later it can be write to file. But I am not very sure that how …

Member Avatar for Ancient Dragon
Member Avatar for John Linux

In a past prac. exam for an algorithm course I'm doing is the challenge below, and their are no solutions but it seems like a really interesting one to solve. Can someone please help and point me in the right direction, I would like to try this on my own, …

Member Avatar for Sergio_1
Member Avatar for rabadiyaronak

hello , i have facility to connect map drive in windows in my collage . but now when switched to linux(FEDORA) i can not found the option for map network drive ? can yo pls tell me how to connect map drive in linux(fedor and ubantu - specifically).?

Member Avatar for Octet
Member Avatar for siss

I'm using cloud. I want to mount a folder in the cloudstack management server to the system where xenserver is installed. But while doing it, error occurred. I have done so many things but error exist. [root@xenserver2 ~]# mount -t nfs /secondarymount mount: failed, reason given by server: …

Member Avatar for CimmerianX
Member Avatar for techman41973

occasionally I run a backup of my phpbb forum files from the Shell command line: zip -r forum_backup ~/public_html/forum/* I'd like to add date elements to the file name, so that the zip file created is automatically formed as forum_backup_05182013.zip or something similar Thanks

Member Avatar for JeoSaurus
Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel

Hello, I am creating some sort of cPanel, and I want people to be able to log in using their Linux user. I installed the PAM extension, but it's functions aren't recognized/return nothing. Installing it using the `pecl` command does not work (some ./configure errors, I am not really in …

Member Avatar for mattster
Member Avatar for asprin

I'm trying to execute a binary on my Linux web server. The binary is called 'phantomJS' which is used mainly to create screenshots of a webpage. I logged into my cPanel and found the following information about my server: Operating system : Linux Architecture : i686 So I went ahead …

Member Avatar for AminM
Member Avatar for lukas.vandendijssel

Hello, I am sharing my webserver with a few people and I am trying to create some sort of an admin panel for them. It has to be able to change Apache VirtualHosts and reload Apache. Now I can make the config-changing PHP code, but there are 2 Apache-related problems. …

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Member Avatar for cybrix101

Hey folks, I was wondering if anyone can explain why my laptop overheats when using Windows (any version), but when using Linux (Ubuntu) I have no heating issues! Its not a major worry as I have recently moved over to Linux as my main system, but I am curious why …

Member Avatar for jithinjohny
Member Avatar for dij_0983

I'm trying to develop my own simple uptime command (used to show how long the system has been running) like program where I'm gonna use it for our university's OS, (consider the OS already has all the necessary C libraries needed to make system utilities) Could someone give me a …

Member Avatar for dij_0983
Member Avatar for chriswelborn

I was trying to edit a post that I made earlier, and the "Edit Post" link brought up the text edit mode, but did not have any "Save" or "Submit". Only "Cancel". Also, the "Edit Post" button was still active. When I clicked it the second time it just "refreshed" …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for SamJo22

I'm trying to write a web server but with the code I have but I'm getting the GET/ht.html can't be opened. The html document (ht.html) is supposed to be opened in the browser. What can be added or changed so it'll work properly? The code I have is: #include <sys/types.h> …

Member Avatar for Banfa
Member Avatar for Fredszky

So i'm trying to make multiple clients logon to a server through filesockets, and perform simple commands like ls -l, ls, mkdir. I've managed to make one client recieve output of ls -l command, sometimes, its buggy. Now i've been sitting for days trying to figure out how to fork() …

Member Avatar for Fredszky
Member Avatar for slasham

Hi, I have recently finished building my own computer and am wondering what operating system to get. I was thinking about getting Linux mint 14 because it's free and I like the layout. Ive also heard that there are very few viruses as well. The only thing is that I …

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The End.