Re: Why does Dell hate Linux so much? Hardware and Software Linux and Unix by simhakidsden It's quite baffling to witness such a stark contrast in Dell's approach to promoting Ubuntu between Europe and the USA. Their inconsistent messaging only adds to the confusion for potential customers. Hopefully, Dell can streamline their marketing strategy to provide clearer information and support for Linux enthusiasts worldwide. messaging service Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by q_irfan75 … are connected through this domain server. I want to create messaging service between clients so that they can communicate with each… Re: Messaging System Programming Web Development by diafol …. If you're interested in making a [B]simple[/B] messaging system. A possible mysql setup would be: [B]users table… A New Social Media? Instantaneous Messaging Digital Media Digital Marketing by khess …called, "Instant Messaging." Instantaneous Messaging is better than Instant Messaging or any other messaging format that's currently… how this cross-platform idea works. Instantaneous Messaging employs a simple daemon or [I]stay resident…. What do you think of my Instantaneous Messaging idea? Are your programming skills good enough … MySpace Dev Policy Tweak, New Messaging API Leak Community Center by EddieC … users. It also leaked news of enhancements to its messaging API set to be available in June. The [URL…they are sending communication. “Share with friends” is not sufficient messaging, the link must state “send comment,” “send bulletin,” and…someone tries to use an app. No popping up messaging windows without a user clicking on a very clearly … How About Drag and Drop Messaging? Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by khess …com/news/story274873.html"]A New Social Media? Instantaneous Messaging[/URL]" (Yes, I realize that it should be … world, is fairly simple...and revolutionary. Drag and Drop Messaging, as I said, is simple in concept and revolutionary in…an automatic send. The other idea is to have messaging tied to an IM client where you can drag your… !377 and 1374 error Ntds intersite messaging Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by TomSojer … recive next errors constantly source:NTDS Inter-site Messaging event id:1374 The Intersite Messaging service request for the number of sites….asp[/url]. and source:NTDS Inter-site Messaging event id:1377 The Intersite Messaging service request for the number of sites interconnected… Private messaging component Programming Web Development by akai80 … looking for. However i do want to have a private messaging system for users to send messages to other users. anyone… my website. i also noticed that phpBB3 has the private messaging component but i have no idea where to start from… to track where's the private messaging component. Glad if someone can help me out here. … Message Authentication Code for messaging system Programming Web Development by saadi06 Hi, I am creating an internal messaging system.In the system users can communicate with each other … I want to implement the message authentication code in the messaging system and I want to make sure that the message… my system. I really need to implement MAC in the messaging system. Thanks in advance. Re: Private messaging component Programming Web Development by diafol The private messaging modules should be rely upon the members table (and possibly … Classified Ads website with private messaging enabled Programming Web Development by akai80 … were to develop a Classified Ads website with enabled private messaging among users? I would prefer to develop on a PHP… setup a localhost website. are there any ready-made private messaging plugin where i can just integrate them into my own… 79 billion text messaging monkeys Community Center by happygeek … just what a love affair the UK has with text messaging. As does my bank manager. So it really should not… are people so hooked on SMS? Are you a text messaging monkey or do you opt for the mobile email route… Re: 79 billion text messaging monkeys Community Center by airbourne … text message plans that basically were extensions of their instant messaging applications with all their friends. Some of them used to… day at times. As for me, well, I hate text messaging. In fact, the only thing I want my phone to… Private Messaging Programming Web Development by maxlipman Hi, Here is what I want to do: I already have a php login system and I want to integrate a private messaging system into it. Does anyone have any recommendations of Private Messaging scripts? Thanks so much, Max. send link from one application to my messaging appliction Programming Mobile Development by liftthis … from one app to my text messaging app. This works if I use the default messaging application, however I designed my own… System::Windows::Messaging does not exist Programming Software Development by Darth Vader Hi, I wonder if this namespace is possiblet to use. However I cant find ::Messaging in System::Windows ? I do use this namespace in Silverlight to mention. Is there a assembly etc to add to be able to use this? System::Windows::Messaging Java TCP & UDP Multi-threaded messaging program problems- HELP!!! Programming Software Development by bluedonutblueyedangel … trouble with it. I am supposed to make a multithreaded messaging program that allows users to connect using both TCP and… UDP. The messaging program works perfectly when TCP is selected. However, I do… Looking for instant messaging software for Government Hardware and Software by Vrushanjali As I'm curious to know a instant messaging software for Government collaborations. When I was browsing for a … it's not a government app but it's providing messaging services for different platforms like political campaign software, chat api… Re: Instant messaging Community Center by pty ….zone]Hello everyone. What languages are being used for instant messaging? Seems to me to be Java or PHP, but I… sure. Can someone explain in a nutshell? Thanks.[/QUOTE] Instant messaging where? Only Java based IM client I know of is… Re: Threads in an instant messaging program Programming Software Development by gangsta1903 … file transfer before closing. But in your program its just messaging, so just closing the server will serve the purpose... What… long lasting process. Of course when you close the server, messaging if any will be interrupted. Re: Implementing notation and a messaging center Programming Software Development by bluehangook629 It seems like you need authentication feature and messaging feature. Let me see what you have so far on the login feature of your program and here is how to build messaging system. [url][/url] can not send email and cannot send file through instant messaging Hardware and Software Microsoft Windows by lovebug I can not send out email and I can not send files through msn messaging I have windows xp Please help Disabling private messaging to new members Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … here had any experience with prohibiting the use of private messaging until a member has reached some minimum post count, such… Re: Disabling private messaging to new members Digital Media Digital Marketing by Dani … now a 10 post minimum before you can use Private Messaging features. This isn't a ridiculously large number that means… Simple Client Server Instant Messaging Java code using UDP datagrams Programming Software Development by woolf Hi, I am trying to write a java program for a client server instant messaging system using UPD datagram. I am trying to think of how to start. Anyone has any suggestions? Please advise LAN Instant Messaging(Final Year Project) Hardware and Software Networking by shad Hi there, i was thinking of building an instant messaging systemon a LAN, for my final year project. Dont know how to go about it, really need ideas. I was planning on using java sockets to create the system. Any helpful tips will be really appreciated. Instant Messaging System (Project) Programming Software Development by bondito Hi there, i was thinking of building an instant messaging systemon a LAN, for my final year project. Dont know how to go about it, really need ideas. I was planning on using java sockets to create the system. Any helpful tips will be really appreciated. Re: LAN Instant Messaging(Final Year Project) Hardware and Software Networking by extofer …=shad]Hi there, i was thinking of building an instant messaging systemon a LAN, for my final year project. Dont know… Haha, text messaging is for dorks Community Center Geeks' Lounge by war_criminal you know what I think is funny, how big text messaging is in Asia, and it’s really funny they have contests to see who can text the fastest; they actually prefer it over talking... what is the world coming to? Here a news link > [url][/url] need help with JMS messaging ... Programming Software Development by james_bandido We have an application that uses JMS messaging functionality. This particular software takes use of the JMS queues …