7,368 Topics

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Member Avatar for cjackson111

Hello. I have a php script that is pulling records from a database. Everything up until now has been working great. Even now the first page of results show up as they should. (5 records are displayed per page) When I click on "next page" to view more results I …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for lifeofapirate

I'm not nearly as advanced as most of you so please respond to me like I'm a fourth grader. :) I need to see what a password is in my cpanel. I don't want to reset it or change it. I just need to see what it is because it's …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for jeshurun

hello i have the following code [COde=php]<?php mysql_connect("localhost", "lekan", "") or die(mysql_error()); echo "connected to database"; mysql_select_db("today") or die(mysql_error()); echo "Connected to database<br>"; $tables=mysql_list_tables("today"); if ($tables ==""){ echo "this database does not have a table"; exit; }else { echo $tables; } //number of rows $row_num = mysql_num_rows('first name'); if (!$row_num){ …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for FlashCreations

I am working on a project that requires a MySQL database to store important information (So a little security would be nice). I realize that some users can't find or don't have MySQL databases with their hosting accounts. I would like to provide users with the ability to get a …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for FlashCreations

MySQL is great, especially for storing large amounts of data such as users, event logs, and tables for forms or CMS systems. There is one big problem though that faces PHP/MySQL developers: MySQL injection. Hackers usually try something like a username and password of ' a='a'. This is a MySQLer's …

Member Avatar for nobloz

Hi all, I am fighting with this a while allready, a moving average with mutilty items The (example) tabel : item datum volume item1 1/1/2009 10 item1 1/2/2009 11 item1 1/3/2009 12 item1 1/4/2009 11 item1 1/5/2009 10 item1 1/6/2009 10 item1 1/7/2009 10 When i do this with only …

Member Avatar for nobloz
Member Avatar for jhonnyboy

hello everyone i am currently working on a php script on my website. I wanted to make a script for registering users. So that they may log in, log out, register, and access member only functions. I found a good tutorial online but since im fairly new to php and …

Member Avatar for Andrieux
Member Avatar for MLA

I'm a noob and am struggling with what should be some fairly straightforward php and mysql coding. I have a page that I am building and am able to get the following code to work: [code=php]<?php include 'includes/config.php'; include 'includes/opendb.php'; ?> <div align="center"><h1> <?php $id=$_GET['player_id']; ?> <? $query= "SELECT p.player_id …

Member Avatar for MLA
Member Avatar for securegds

hi, I have implemented the following query to search the db for exact phrase (ex : if the search term is "air" should match the exact word not like hair). Quote: [code=sql]select A.*, B.*,C.GGCategoryID,C.CategoryName,C.CategorySlugName,XX.EcoStatus from tbl_products A,tbl_members B,tbl_product_categories C ,tbl_eco_ratings XX WHERE A.MerchantMemberID=B.MemberID and B.MemberType='Merchant' and A.GGCategoryID=C.GGCategoryID and XX.EcoStatusValue=A.EcoStatusValue and …

Member Avatar for securegds
Member Avatar for _Rei

Okay, I'm trying to output data from one table, with only certain instances pulling up data from another table. On a value of 0 in PriceID, it uses values in the first table; on a value of anything else, it should pull a set of values from the second table. …

Member Avatar for _Rei
Member Avatar for harrence

Hi all Mamp is not processing my php files, anyone know why this might be? Very general question I know, I've tried most of the usual suspects; preferences etc....

Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

hi i had a database table and one of its column is filled with hobbies of the users. ( eg: stampcollection, fishing, photography ). How to do a search in this column. I am using php. If visitor search by any hobby then need to show users in database who …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for osjak

Hi All, I am trying to build an SQL statement that will pull data from a parent table and count rows in a child table. Parent table - event: [CODE] eventid, title 1 'Metallica is coming' 2 'Elvis is in town' [/CODE] Child table - eventattendance: [CODE] eventid, userid, response …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for desiguru

So I have a sql query [code] SELECT * FROM `database` ORDER BY `database`.`Name` DESC [/code] Is there anyway to index this so it uses a lot less Handler_read_rnd_next

Member Avatar for architact

Hello, I am developing a website but I am stuck at a point. I have a table having Sundays, video, and photo1, photo2, photo3 as columns. I have a form on a web page having three check boxes "with videos", "with photos" and "Open on Sundays", I want to get …

Member Avatar for Fest3er
Member Avatar for smartness

Hi people... I have phpVideoSearch script, and want to add a feature, that if someone a specified page, to add to mysql a +1 value... Example this is the page: [CODE]watch.php?title=Riz+Khan&link=http://www.youtube.com/v/[B]xE0wOa5R6KY[/B][/CODE] i've set a code to create a id for this video like: [B]yt_xE0wOa5R6KY[/B] Can someone help me create a …

Member Avatar for mwasif
Member Avatar for maddogsprofiles

Can someone help me with this database, code bellow [CODE]-- -- Table structure for table `bapps` -- CREATE TABLE `bapps` ( `bappID` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, `bappFROM` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `bappBUSINESS` int(11) NOT NULL default '0', `bappTEXT` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (`bappID`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM AUTO_INCREMENT=51 …

Member Avatar for maddogsprofiles
Member Avatar for TheBuzzer

Hi. I have this problem Group by will make the table only show a value of that group once. So lets say there was 1000 results without group by. 500 with a single group by. But now i want to do another group by to filter it down more to …

Member Avatar for TheBuzzer
Member Avatar for nobloz

Hello all, using mysql I have the folowing (example) table +------------+--------+ | date | total | +------------+--------+ | 2009-01-08 | 150000 | | 2009-01-09 | 151000 | | 2009-01-10 | 156000 | | 2009-01-11 | 154000 | | 2009-01-12 | 153000 | | 2009-01-13 | 157000 | +------------+--------+ Now i …

Member Avatar for nobloz
Member Avatar for TheBuzzer

Hi, I am wondering is there a solution to do this type of problem. I would want to release a list of queries that only show only orders that does not match each other. For a order to match it will be companyname from different hiddenkey are the same and …

Member Avatar for TheBuzzer
Member Avatar for enim213

hi All, I want to ask if is there any possibility to separate column data in different columns using php code.. really dont know if i have solution in php or here in mysql.. any idea would be really appreciate Thanx enim

Member Avatar for vijukumar
Member Avatar for cy163

Hello ALL, I have a table contains words extracted from documents which are belonging to a number of categories. Each category contains a number of documents. For each category, I want to find out those words which occur at least in N documents belonging to this category. [Code] Category DocID …

Member Avatar for manojjena1982

I am writing a stored procedure in which i want to catch all the exceptions.So. i need how to catch the error code from an exception.

Member Avatar for rbrandt

Hi..I am fairly new to SQL and need some help writing a script. I have 2 tables table 1 is the student data and table 2 is the student schedule data. In table 2 the students have a student id number that is teh same as the student id in …

Member Avatar for rbrandt
Member Avatar for Scoobler

Hello, I have two tables, one with the main users details in and a users movement table which has an entry to everything they do. I want to pull out a list of all users which havent done a specific task, put only pull the results once. So for example …

Member Avatar for Scoobler
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

hi I am working in a online shopping website using php, MySql. And I had a detail database with me . Let me give some details I had columns in my table. ie 1. name of the product ( eg : 1 gb pendrive) 2. Brand 3. warrenty 4. category …

Member Avatar for Harutyun

Hello all. I'm working on wiki development now and have some issue with MySQL. I am using InnoDB engine to store wiki data. Sometimes updating data with wiki Database class [icode]$dbw->update()[/icode] do not update my database data (I can see it via phpMyAdmin). When debbuging the code I've found that …

Member Avatar for Harutyun
Member Avatar for naneus

I work in an office that has an Intranet site for office use. We have two Windows 2003 Servers. One Server has the Intranet site on it and all of the files (php html pdf txt etc) that are used in our Intranet site. The problem is we do not …

Member Avatar for mayfieldjr

I have a table with 32 fields. Is there a shorter way - [ other than select sum(field1 + field2 + ... Field32] to get the sum of all fields for a date range. I know, I know, once I create the query I can save it for future use …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for shaneog

Hi there! Im trying to get a SCORE result for how many times a character is present in a table field. However, my SQL query only returns a SCORE of 1 if the character is present in the field. Where as I need it to tell me how many are …

Member Avatar for mwasif

The End.