1,135 Topics

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Member Avatar for king03

I am a little confused about how I am going to update my query in number 1, you may refer to the attachment that I have included for your refererence, the instructions is on number 2 of the printscreen. ![dfsdgdfgfdgfdgbfdgbfdgh](/attachments/small/3/dfsdgdfgfdgfdgbfdgbfdgh.jpg "align-left")

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for king03

hi guys please refer to the printscreen to see the complete instructions of what I need to do. So far I can now display how many workers are hired before a certain date let's say: workers hired before january 1 1990, the code for this is the following: select count(employee_id) …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for king03

hi guys just wanted to ask how to raise the pay of a worker in sql statement. By the way this is in oracle 10g. ![dfdsfsdfsd](/attachments/small/3/dfdsfsdfsd.jpg "align-left") I uploaded the instructions for your reference, thank you for those who will help out.

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for SHAHAB UDDIN

install problem of oracle 11g release 2 : 1) it wants oracle suppotted passward .what is it ?. 2) i give a password but do not work.What can i do ?

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for king03

suppose there are given tables that has particular attributes, and for example I need to find how many ordered a specific dish.. example: "How many fried chicken orders were made in 1 month?" How do I do the sql statement for this? Thanks for those who will help. :D

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for king03

hi guys I really need some help I don't quite understand the instructions in our homework, I uploaded it below for your reference. Please explain to me how to do the things required on the instructions, it's not clear to me at all. Thank you for those who will help. …

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for foreverangel02

Hi everyone, I have a problem with connecting vb.net to oracle database. At first I used VB.net 2010 express, but is does not support oracle so uninstalled it and replaced it with VB.net 2010 ultimate trial edition. Can you please give me some codes on how to properly connect vb.net …

Member Avatar for Pgmer
Member Avatar for freesoul.rahul

Hi everyone, I have to do an assignment where i need to design my database for now. Later will have to implement it as well. We have to use Oracle for database and I am planning to create a webportal based on MVC architurture. Now I have 2 problems in …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for king03

Hi there guys I have a question. How do I list names of employees whose salary is the highest for their position (among everyone with same position. I must include the whole name so that's first_name and last_name the name of the table is: employees here are the columns that …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi there, I'm supposed to integrate different sources of data into one database. I am given these types of sources: * .txt * .csv * .html * .xls * access file as well. what attributes should I be looking at to construct a global schema because all of them have …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for zeroliken

I got the insert and Delete Data/Row working for my DBMS. The deleteRow method finds the row that contains the same primary key from the database, passed on to the method, and deletes the row. With using the insertRow method, the data I added shows on up on the last …

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for king03

hi guys just wanted to ask you about the specialization that you would choose and here are the options for example: .Net, Oracle, or Cisco??? I chose Oracle a while ago and already passed the requirements and form in our university. But still I'm confused because right now it keeps …

Member Avatar for marcos.fish09
Member Avatar for Farhad.idrees

I am having problem during installation of 10g. "the value of envoirmental varible is more than 10243. The value cannot be set ". I found that i have to set variable in Computer –> right click –> properties –> Advanced –> Environment Variables but how to do it? i need …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ninad.chandoskar

Hi guys, I'm a student and need to practice Oracle SQL queries since we have Advance SQL in our syllabus. I have Intel-based MacBook Pro running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.8. I just downloaded the SQLDeveloper for Mac and unzipped it. The application executed and started well. But I'm …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for Kunal Lakhani

create table A ( id number(6) , Amount number(10) ); create table B ( id number(6) , Amount number(10) ); insert into A values (1, 50); insert into A values (2, 500); insert into A values (1, 600); insert into A values (2, 900); insert into A values (1, 600); …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Arpita Asthana

hello I m 3rd year enginnering student in computer science field. I have to make project in DBMS using connectictivty with VB. could you plz suggest me the topics and guide me with ur valuable ideas. thanx Arpita Asthana

Member Avatar for priyanka.shinde
Member Avatar for cutedipti

Hi I have created many tables in database. Now when i used to create new table that's name may already exists. So, before creating new table i must know which table names are already exists in my database. And for that i want to display all the tables created in …

Member Avatar for mangal4mTerna
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi there, I've lost my password and username and am trying to log in using sysdba. It doesn't log me in and I would like to retrieve my username and password without re-installing the software. IS there a way of doing that?>

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi everyone, I had Oracle working perfectly fine and was able to connect to . After a fresh re-install, I couldn't access the page. I can manage to log into oracle database by using SQL command line. I'm running Oracle 11g express edition. The message I get when I …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for rotten69

Hi everyone, I'm sure the update statement is well-written but for some reason Oracle sql command line is refusing to execute it. UPDATE myTable SET country = 'Aus' WHERE username = '"martin"'; // I know you can see single quote and double-quote as well. Well, names were inserted into the …

Member Avatar for rotten69
Member Avatar for Sathish_1

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE transfer( crdtacno IN NUMBER, dbtacno IN NUMBER, amount NUMBER, transno NUMBER ) IS BEGIN INSERT INTO transaction VALUES(transno,amount,SYSDATE); UPDATE account SET accbal=accbal+amount WHERE accno=crdtacno; INSERT INTO entrylist VALUES(transno,crdtacno,'CR'); UPDATE account SET accbal=accbal-amount WHERE accno=dbtacno; INSERT INTO entrylist VALUES(transno,dbtacno,'DB'); END; /

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for ripplex

Hello everyone, I have a table called job.In the table two particular columns are empid and managerid.When I am creating the table I must ensure that the managerid should be an existing empid.How do I write the create table statement for this.I am using oracle 10g. Thank you

Member Avatar for ripplex
Member Avatar for rithish

hello iam using oracle 10g express edition actually iam not able to connect to sql plus if i enter the commands it shows an error mesaage as "not connected".so i tried another way of opening by connecting in oracle 10g go to database home page and entered my password and …

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for sujimon

I just finished installing ODTwithODAC112012 (Oracle Developer tool for Visual Studio ODT) on my system . Now I am trying to deploy dbmsclr.plb as SYSDBA from SQLPLUS But I am getting the error SP2-024 nothing to change. Here is the command window:- C:\>sqlplus /nolog SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue …

Member Avatar for sujimon
Member Avatar for sujimon

Hi, I am new to Oracle. I have installed Oracle 11g R2 standard edition (server software, 2GB download from Oracle). I found that the 'Environment Variable PATH' has not been set. Which of these directory should I use for the PATH value:- 1. Oracle base, 2. Software location or 3. …

Member Avatar for SQLpower
Member Avatar for code739

hi guys i got some problem with this code error said that exact fetch row return more than expected rows CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE "MAINTAIN_REQUESTSTATUS1" (emplevel IN NUMBER,eid IN NUMBER,depid IN NUMBER,teamid IN NUMBER) is lastreq number; seq number; stat NUMBER; tok varchar2(60); appr number; CURSOR c1 IS select empid …

Member Avatar for code739
Member Avatar for anthonyjpv

Hi! 1. Whats the difference between using these PL/SQL records? -Table Based -Cursor Based -Programmer Based 2. Whats the importance of using PL/SQL Table? 3. Whats the importance of using VARRAYS? 4. When to use these 3 RECORDS, TABLES, VARRAYS Thanks!

Member Avatar for seslie
Member Avatar for dgerbergss

Hey there I have two separate queries and I am trying to figure out how to combine them into one. I've verified separately each one works. They are: SELECT FACULTY_t.LastName||', '||FACULTY_T.FirstName AS "Committee", STUDENT_T.LastName||', '||STUDENT_T.FirstName AS "Student" FROM STUDENT_T, FACULTY_T Where STUDENT_T.CommitteeID = FACULTY_T.FacultyID and select decode(COMMITTEE_MEMBER_T.FacultyID,COMMITTEE_MEMBER_T.ChairPerson,'Y') chair from COMMITTEE_MEMBER_T …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for pooja28

hi to all, i want to create user on student table IN ORACLE.... CREATE USER john IDENTIFIED BY out_standing DEFAULT TABLESPACE users QUOTA UNLIMITED ON users DEFAULT TABLESPACE temp QUOTA UNLIMITED ON system; but, oracle shows following error like...."insufficient priviveleges on password... please give some suggestion for creating user in …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for bmantri

Hello DBAs, Any one familar with the ER diagram generation in TOAD. I am able to generate the diagram for one particular table. I need to generate for the whole schema. Can you please help me to find out a way? Always Thanks, BMantri

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The End.