2,452 Topics

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Member Avatar for hp51185

Hello I am trying to run a perl script on tomcat server. I am putting the incoming http request in a variable data which collects the headers as well as the text file attachment data. The code is like this : .... while(<>){ $data = $data . $_ ; } …

Member Avatar for lewashby

I've attached my output error and my script is below, also the link the the directions. http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/chapter05/perl.html Here's my script: ( patch -Np1 -i ../../../perl-5.14.2-libc-1.patch 2>&2 | tee patch-perl.log && exit $PIPESTATUS ) && sh Configure -des -Dprefix=/tools && cp -v perl cpan/podlators/pod2man /tools/bin && mkdir -pv /tools/lib/perl5/5.14.2 && cp …

Member Avatar for lewashby
Member Avatar for faezshingeri

Hi, I am trying to search for a line in a file, comment that line using a " * " and finally append the range of corresponding lines extracted from the same file. The corresponding extracted range of lines maybe present before or after the line (which is to be …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for aecha

Hi, Can anyone help me in calculating the number of day between two date with this date format, YYYY-MM-DD? I am using Date::Calc qw(Add_Delta_days) but still cannot read. I got this error : -> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:soapenc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" soap:encodingStyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><soap:Body><soap:Fault><faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode><faultstring>Usage: Date::Calc::Add_Delta_Days(year, month, day, Dd) at TARGETWEBSVC.pm line 357. …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for hassanmohamed

that well known ajax code to filter gridview with text box control on key up event is working fine in fire fox but works only twice and then stops in internet explorer; if i take the grid out of the update panel it works fine on iexplorer also! any idea?

Member Avatar for mehmatt

hello all, i have a website like forum not exactly forum but similar. honestly, i bought it cos i didnt have any idea for php. but something about linking is not as i want. for example: when i link some webpage it shows the link [Click Here](http://www.aaa.com) but i want …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for msrikanth

Hi Everyone, I need a perl script to create a word document in linux (in my system i have openoffice(oowriter) 1.1.5) with some text as header(left aligned) which is taken from a "file.txt". contents of the file.txt are HariKrishna 1200 Srikanth 1201 Madhav 2345 So based upon the no of …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for sayerada

Hi, I'd like to create a perl script that takes two input files, one being a master list of users/attributes, the other being a newly uploaded list. I'd like two output files, one being a file with new users (not in the master list) as well as updated users (changed …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Cupidvogel

Hi, suppose I have written a Perl script that creates a text file, writes something to it, and closes it. The code involves some other steps which require the download of a module from CPAN. So I do this prior to executing the code by doing something like **perl -MCPAN …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for shensteffi

#!\strawberry\perl\bin print"Enter the number of column\n"; $r=<stdin>; print"\nEnter the numer of row\n"; $c=<stdin>; print"\neNTER THE sEQUENCE FOR THE ROW\n"; $i=0; for($j=1;$j<=$c;$j++) { $a[$i][$j]=<stdin>; } print"\neNTER THE sEQUENCE FOR THE ROW\n"; $j=0; for($i=1;$i<=$r;$i++) { $a[$i][$j]=<stdin>; } $i=0; { for($j=0;$j<=$c;$j++) { chomp $a[$i][$j]; print"\t$a[$i][$j]"; } print"\n"; } for($i=1;$i<=$r;$i++) { $j=0; { chomp …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for Violet_82

HI peeps, I have a general question about scripting. what's the best scripting to learn (I would like to learn one language) and do you have any link to any good resource, not just a tutorial but somewhere I can see what scripting can do (sorry I am really new …

Member Avatar for Violet_82
Member Avatar for sazbaztaz

Hello, I found a PERL script in my root directory (public_html) and I have no idea who uploaded it and how. I know this itself is a concern to me but what I really need to know is what this script can do in worst case scenario. It was on …

Member Avatar for TerraBlade
Member Avatar for Eruditio

I have a ListView control on a tab page. The backcolor of the items of the ListView are changed according to certain criteria, but whether or not the backcolor changes appears to be pretty random. The tab page containing the ListView is not the default tab page on application startup. …

Member Avatar for Eruditio
Member Avatar for sachintha81

I referenced Acrobat.dll in a simple C# Console program, and then wrote a couple of lines of codes to run Acrobat. CAcroApp mApp = new AcroAppClass(); Console.WriteLine("Acrobat is running"); bool bClose = mApp.CloseAllDocs(); bool bExit = mApp.Exit(); However, while CloseAllDocs() return true, Exit() always return false. And accordingly I can …

Member Avatar for salohcin

i having problem saving a txt file and printing it back out , i have the hints of using fgets(v[i],14,infile); and sscanf(v[i],"%d: %s %s,%x"%line_num[i],inst[i],reg[2],reg2[0]); i have no idea on how to imply this correctly can someone show me a correct implemtation of the code so i can move forward to …

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Member Avatar for neerajte

source.txt Name|Address Ram|USA Geeta|India I want to read this file into hash or map The coulum headers should be stored as keys, and when i call the key it should say me Ram and whn i call Address as key it should say USA Please let me know how can …

Member Avatar for dkhalfe
Member Avatar for tommyliu

Dear expert - I try to use the code as below to get the website htm source and it works. However, I cannot get the result when I visit the website [url]http://reserve.apple.com/WebObjects/ProductReservation.woa/wa/reserveProduct[/url] by using code as below. But, I can access this page by using browser properly. Would you give …

Member Avatar for chandrashekar
Member Avatar for sandeepau

Hi, Can you please suggest me to how to execute .profile from perl script. I have following unix script steps & just wanted replicate them in perl script to make sure I'm executing .profile. . ~/.profile echo $SHELL

Member Avatar for chandrashekar
Member Avatar for PhoenixInsilico

I have a exe file named file.exe When it is run through command line, it takes some data and process it and creates an output file. I want to feed data to file.exe within a perl script and want the output file. Please let me know the commands to do …

Member Avatar for chandrashekar
Member Avatar for Cupidvogel

I am using the following code to select a date range using 2 inline datepickers. There are two date fields (**div**, with class **dateheader**). When a date is selected, that datepicker slides up. Basically when the date **div** is **clicked**, first it is checked whether the corresponding datepicker is already …

Member Avatar for davidmoffitt1

When I use my css inline it works just fine, but when I try to do external, it leaves out the first selector group, whatever it is. Right now its my body, but if I took that out it would leave out whatever took its place as first selector. The …

Member Avatar for JorgeM
Member Avatar for perllearner007

Hi I am trying to convert .qual and .fna file to fastq using the script provided here. http://seqanswers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2775&highlight=fasta+qual+fastq The code is as follows: #!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Data::Dumper; use File::Basename; my $inFasta = $ARGV[0]; my $baseName = basename($inFasta, qw/Reads.fna/); my $inQual = $baseName . "/Users/myfolder/Reads.qual"; my $outFastq = …

Member Avatar for Kwetal
Member Avatar for perllearner007

I am trying to learn how to fetch hyperlinks using perl for an input list of names with ids. Here is what I have come up with so far. Am I heading in the right direction? Any simple ways to get hyperlinks using perl without the HTML table? #!/usr/bin/perl use …

Member Avatar for d5e5
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, I was reading about Python and spotted "it has high signal-to-noise ratio" bit. In general, what does it really mean? I read some stuff about it but no particular explanation for programming. Tahnsk

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for perly

Hi, I need help to make a perl program work. I have two files - file 1 and file 2. The contents of File2 is to be searched with the contents of file 1. File2: 2 tab-delimited columns XM:1120002 complex-solution MM:0999111 blue-green solution UX:1020022 activity unknown, (simple/complex?) File1:(one column of …

Member Avatar for perly
Member Avatar for Faith.Moraa

Hello guys, I'm trying to find a way of sending MT messages to subscribers from my perl script. My shortcode is 1111(EXAMPLE), and I have three messages I want to send. Obviously, when a user sends a message to my shortcode, they receive a first response; ButI need them to …

Member Avatar for codeblock

Hi all, I'd like to know if it is possible to create a perl script that would take the names of image files with its extension of say 10,000 images from out of a folder and place them into a database table in separate rows to use as sample data? …

Member Avatar for codeblock
Member Avatar for dipakatcvrca

Hi All, I have got a problem with ColdFusion 9 cfmail tag. My client recently complained that, while he sends a huge amount of mails simultaneously, some of the mails are not getting delivered, though it shows like it has been successfully delivered in the mail log. We have increased …

Member Avatar for tunisia
Member Avatar for tunisia

Trying to convert the following block of perl to python for($row = 0, $mytype = 500; $row < $filearray_count; $row++) { if ($_ eq $filearray[$row][0]) { $mytype = $filearray[$row][1]; print "$row, $mytype, $_ \n"; break; And here is the python attempt. I'm not sure if I'm dealing with $mytype = …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony

The End.