947 Topics

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Member Avatar for reza.adinata

Hi all, I am trying to build a ui application with thread for tcp server. I managed to build the tcp server itself using console (giving a welcome message when I telnet it), but when I copy the exact source code in WPF , I can not telnet it. The …

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Member Avatar for ragedsparrow

HEy everyone. I've been workign on this for a few days now and it's due tomorrow, so I thought I would ask a developer community for any input. Here is what is supposed to be happening. The Server starts. The Client Starts. The user enters a table name into the …

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Member Avatar for agongpor

Hello ... I have a very annoying problem just now, MySQL server in my office is not stable. This morning it has stopped for more than 10 times. :'( FYI, the version of MySQL is 3.23.54 running on redhad 9. When I tried to restart it, it showed like this: …

Member Avatar for agongpor
Member Avatar for Swence32

We are creating a Who wants to be a millionaire style game in VB. Our server is pulling information such as questions and answers from a Access Database and sending them to the contestants (Clients). All transfer of information is directly from the server to each client. One of the …

Member Avatar for Swence32
Member Avatar for richasr

Hi, i'm not sure this is in the right place but here goes: I'm currently using ADO in VBScript to access a SQL Server database and one of my current issues is returning the full error message that a stored procedure generates. I can get a brief error description and …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for ms_sws

Please help! I have the following code in the head section of my web page: <script> ..... var serverLoc = "http://www.mydomain.com/mypath/"; var serverFile = serverLoc+"myexcel.xls"; var ehandle = new ActiveXObject("Excel.Application"); //error occurs var eWBhandle = ehandle.Workbooks.Open(serverFile); var eShandle = eWBhandle.ActiveSheet; var cell1 = eShandle.Cells(1,1).Value; // get more data ..... </script> …

Member Avatar for fxm
Member Avatar for galaris

Hello everybody! I have a game server (WoW). I want my players to download my custom patches to the game. I've done a program that checks for update/downloading things. I want my program to send a packet to my game server if player have all my patches. I dont need …

Member Avatar for mcriscolo
Member Avatar for khess

If you are a PHP, Zend or IBM fan, today Zend and IBM announce a major release for IBM i-Series Servers. Zend Technologies and IBM are working together to offer PHP solutions for IBM i customers. Today Zend announced Zend Server for IBM i, a Web Application Server for applications …

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for KSS

Hi guys, Here is my problem.. I have two computers with Win XP pro. The one has static IP and i want it to be used as a web server. I want to create a database such as Mysql and put it on the web server and using the application …

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for adam2009

Hi, I have got some questions. I hope someone could help me out. 1. I have wrote two methods in c# that manages local users in WinServer2008: adding local user and removing local user. Adding a local user work just fine. I have encountered some problems removing that user afterwards. …

Member Avatar for jessica108

These days, I am considering buying a fax server, also called fax software. But when I google it by the world "Fax server", these are so many! I just have no idea to choose one.. Can anyone offer some suggestions?

Member Avatar for Biker920
Member Avatar for cairn1

Hey whats up I'm new to this forum so I hope I'm posting this right. Ok so my problem is that I have created a server in python that is on a certain port, and I have setup port forwarding so that all traffic on the specified port is sent …

Member Avatar for justM

Hi guys I would like some help with creation of Java ME class I have only been capable of coming up with the peudo-code Can someone please assist? Thanks CLASS ImageGetter Method 1: CREATE a connection to a remote server to request the image Method 2: RECIEVE the image and …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for 6pandn21

Hello guys! I am trying to implmenent a jQuery library and it worked fine when I ran it out of server. When I tried to run from a XAMPP based web server at home; the images doesn't show and keeps giving this error: 'You don't have permission to access the …

Member Avatar for 6pandn21
Member Avatar for okahontas

Hi php masters.. i manage to use an ajax combobox to shows bus fares and destination on my site and it works great in xampp.. problem start when i tried to upload the site to my host server (linux).. the combobox contains 4 .php scripts and 1 .js script there …

Member Avatar for sanchow

Hello, I want to use R to perform real-time statistical analysis on the web and return results/images on the website. The webmaster is not ready to install R on the web server. Is there a way to run R on a remote linux cluster and POST results from the remote …

Member Avatar for mnewsome

Just bought Windows Server 2003 on Ebay. The seller now tells me that it is an OEM version and asks if I would want a refund. What would be the difference? My intention is to install it on VM Ware and possibly try to virtualize it in the future. What …

Member Avatar for Salem
Member Avatar for dstrout

Hi all! After a recent upgrade to PHP 5.3.1, I cannot get my apache http server to start. The only way I can seem to get it started is by commenting out the lines that make PHP work. Thinking, naturally, that the recent PHP was at fault, I reinstalled it. …

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for windows server

* Partition Wizard is a Windows based server partition manager software. Our server partition software supports both MBR and GUID partition table (GPT) format running on 32/64 bits Operating System including Windows XP, Vista, Windows Server 2000/2003/2008, and Windows 7. And our magic partition software supports all hard disks recognized …

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Member Avatar for yanni13

Hi, I've got two programs (client and server) using sockets. The program are working fine if I set the client IP to local host ( or the LAN IP (, but can't connect if the IP is set to external Internet IP (92.24.xxx.xxx). Anyone have an ideea, please? Thanks!

Member Avatar for yanni13
Member Avatar for sandorlev

Hello! I started to create my own tiny 'framework' mainly built on the socket and the thread module. I haven't been doing too much thread programming before. My problem is that when I try server.waitForConnections(2), at the second connection, it says [code] Unhandled exception in thread started by Error in …

Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hi, I have an urgent ugly problem. I have a php file on a server that reads the name of the files of a directory from the server and POST them to my java application. When I try to read it, i get [CODE]Server returned HTTP response code: 400 for …

Member Avatar for PatrickSharp
Member Avatar for team_ferrari22

Hi All, We want to create a c#/VC++ application by using which we should be able to create sql server database SNAPSHOTs in our own file format (in online manner). And later we should be able to get data from those snapshots files in offline manner using our application ( …

Member Avatar for team_ferrari22

Hi All, Is there any way to convert the Sql Server 'Snapshot' files (*.ss files) to some other format...like 'xml','xls' or 'txt'...etc. Thanks.

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for MDGM

Hi all, I need a php script that gets the IP address of a user entered website, something like this: $site = 'www.google.com'; $ip = ping($site); obviously replacing ping with a command that actually exists! Thanks in advance. MAX

Member Avatar for MDGM
Member Avatar for houlahan

Hi im wanting to write a simple client server, i want the server to retrieve information from a SQL database by querying it for eg. [CODE]Public String getID(String ID){ SQL Query code return ID; }[/CODE] that bits the easy bit i then want the client to have a simple GUI …

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Member Avatar for david cashin

I have a website that i have uploaded an applet to. In the same dir as the applet, I have uploaded three textfiles that the program uses. The applet works perfectly in the appletviewer runing off of my computer, but when i upload the class online it seems that the …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for sasidhars

i write the procedure for login in this user can give username or emailid for the login. this is my code.... please check is there any change is required for this [code=text] ALTER procedure [dbo].[users_login] (@username varchar(50),@password varchar(50), @emailid varchar(50),@ret int output) as begin select username,password,emailid from users where( username=@username …

Member Avatar for padtes
Member Avatar for Olliepop

Hey guys :) I am stuck on this piece of code i am about to give below. What happens, is the server sends a "ping" to the client, the client sends "pong" back, but when the server sends "pong" back to the client (i KNOW this is sent) the client …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for architact

Hello, I am developing a site and right now I am facing a problem when I try to upload the code on the server, everything is fine and working there except the flash files, the ".swf" files are showing on the page when access them through the website but they …

Member Avatar for hemgoyal_1990

The End.