10,539 Topics

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Member Avatar for venetian_jigsaw

I developed a web page that has a vertical menu (created from third-party tool) w/ several submenus. When I print the web page, the submenu displays at the bottom left of my web page. I contacted the company and their tech support stated this is an issue w/ IE6, and …

Member Avatar for beemerit

I am making a simple html page for some servers that we have in are building. What I was wondering if there is a way to launch remote desktop from an html page and if so how you would you do that. Thanks in advance

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Member Avatar for thecos99

I just published a website and everything works when I view it from my computer. When I went to view the site from other computers (4) the animation does not work. Can anyone tell my why this has happens. Is there a solution? Thanks

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for John P

Is there a way to let a frame height be defined by it's content? I tried height="100%" but that doesn't seem to work. Thank you, John

Member Avatar for John P
Member Avatar for bobby9101

i did not see an html topic so i posted here. sorry for this. i feel very :evil: I have a list of links that are just http://.........com's is there an easy way of changing those into html links with thdomain as the anchor text. other wise i would have …

Member Avatar for bobby9101
Member Avatar for Lexani

Hello, (PLEASE DONT DELETE MODS) Im looking for a mentor to guide me and teach me to make me the ultimate site maker K well i just joined this site a bit a ago, and im trying my best to learn how to make quality websites, because i'm try to …

Member Avatar for numerouno
Member Avatar for ozeeo

hello ppl, i have some text that want to have some shadow on it using css, how do i do this? TNX

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for phalen

good morning... i did a search for this, and didnt find what i needed to see. i have a table with over 40 columns, i need them to align the text vertically like this: [COLOR=Navy]t a b l e h e a d e r[/COLOR] is there a way to …

Member Avatar for chmac
Member Avatar for kronos

Sorry to bother you all, extreme HTML newbie here .... I recently purchased a premade website from 4templates.com, here is the link to the site I acquired [URL=http://www.4templates.com/view/web/0/AX0061BL]here[/URL]. Now, being the dork that I am, I didn't question the sites ability to fill fullscreen, and realised post purchase, that I …

Member Avatar for kronos
Member Avatar for pajac

Well I wonted to try out some file(.shtml) with #include statment on my machine and It is not working.I'm asking u if I need a server (like Apache) to run this script and if server (Apache) needs some plug-in or add-on (or whatever) to serve this kind of scripts?? :confused:

Member Avatar for pajac
Member Avatar for styler

i am getting some curious gaps between divs in ie mac, which i am not that bothered about in the scheme of things, but it would be nice to tidy them up. on this page - [url]http://michael-tyler.co.uk/index.htm[/url] - the footer sits right up against the picture. on this page - …

Member Avatar for kc0arf
Member Avatar for cmills83

I am using a Paypal shopping cart on one of my sites right now and was wondering if there was a way to move the <form>...</form> tags to an external file for the 'add to cart' button. Also I am looking into a different shopping cart system, but I do …

Member Avatar for rus
Member Avatar for DivSen

little problem with flash mx 2004 i'v given a tekst in Flash a transition (timeline effects -transition) so that this tekst fades-in for 30 frames now when i do "control - play", then it works. but the problem is when i do "test movie" or i export it as a …

Member Avatar for DivSen
Member Avatar for pajac

Hello guys I'm new on this field! I can't get my *.avi working with <embed src="movie.avi"></embed> tag!! Is there any other way to play diferent content (movies like)?Mybe some other script language like PHP? :cry:

Member Avatar for pajac
Member Avatar for numerouno

I have some coding on my home page, [url]http://www.progressenterprise.com[/url] for a Bravenet hit counter and the Google Page Ranking tool. When I run my search engine optimisation tool it always picks this code up as an alert, with no explanation. Can anyone advise whether having these items on my page …

Member Avatar for cmills83

[url]www.stilwerks.com/3seriesnew.htm[/url] The first time you visit this site, the white table takes up the entire screen until everything is loaded. Even though it's only a second I would still like to make it load normally. Any ideas? Thanks!

Member Avatar for JeannieM

Hi everyone First time on this site hope to learn something. I have a huge problem with web page I have a flash banner from ds effects and it works fine in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox or Netscape This is the script <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" id="DS_ImageScroll" width="776" height="119"> …

Member Avatar for peter_budo
Member Avatar for createl

Createl-Media web design studio [url]http://www.createl.ru/en[/url] invite professional web designer with technical webdesign abilities. Samples of works level you can see at [url]http://createl.ru/en/portfolio/techdesign[/url]. Createl-Media // web site design company

Member Avatar for rus
Member Avatar for paulkaye

I am currently designing a site using Dreamweaver MX: [URL=http://www.conceptwheel.com]http://www.conceptwheel.com[/URL] The thumbnails on some pages have image swap behaviors assigned. 1. They swap on mouseover to an outlined image 2. They swap on mouseout back to the original 3. They swap on click the central image to a large version …

Member Avatar for paulkaye
Member Avatar for freesoft_2000

Hi everyone, I have some questions about building a certain website. Please bear with me as i am not vey good at building sites. You see i need to build a site that only has a logo of a company some bold text and a few files to download. The …

Member Avatar for vark
Member Avatar for ebaker1973

I need help using iframe. I have my iframe in the main part of my site. I want all links (top, bottom, side) to open in the ifram. I use target="main" but doesn't work. what can I do

Member Avatar for nickharrington
Member Avatar for bamataz

I am looking for a script that will fade in and out from big to little or vice versa where i can put multiple lines of text in there. Can anyone help me out?

Member Avatar for bkendall
Member Avatar for jules214

Hi all, sorry for the title, couldn't think. Basically, i can't figure out an issue with my CSS on NN for one particular thing. The main page area (which has 'test' in it a lot) has an image in a table column to the left of the section, which is …

Member Avatar for jules214
Member Avatar for indo

Ok heres the story. I'm building an online website (<< URL SNIP. Please read the rules. >> ) for graphics, and part on this site I'd also like to have forums. I figured out how to set up the site, Except I can't figure out the forums. I have the …

Member Avatar for indo
Member Avatar for Paladine

Ok folks how does one do this? Meaning, how do you ever get things placed in the right spot, aligned, and the get the feel right on a web page design like this? Do you have to been an "artist" or use a fancy web design tool? [IMG]http://www3.telus.net/public/tmlohnes/IP0002BR.jpg[/IMG] or even …

Member Avatar for bwest
Member Avatar for hiweb

[B]Save big on SourceTec software bundles during celebration month! [/B] Bundle A: Glanda + SWF Quicker = $65 (save over 20%) Bundle B: SWF Quicker + SWF Decompiler = $100 (save over 20%) Bundle C: Glanda + SWF Quicker + SWF Decompiler = $119.99 (save over 30%) Bundle D: FlashVideo …

Member Avatar for balor

help!!! i really dont know how to access my data in my database.. using javascipt.. do you hava any suggeston? i really need it.. i need your help please.. this project is in a hirry.. im developing a ticker which gets its info frm the database and i dont know …

Member Avatar for balor
Member Avatar for indo

Ok, well I'm building a website and I wanted I decided to put forums up. So I got the basic set up, but what I'm wondering is how Do i make it so people can post. And how does it store and where does it store the threads. As you …

Member Avatar for indo
Member Avatar for buddyb

I've designed a template to use on eBay. Of course I have no problem inserting my graphics and copy, but for my wife, when she looks at it she see's a lot of gibberish and dangerous territory to fool around in. So, I would like to design a form, of …

Member Avatar for chound

I made a catalogue of specimens in a museum using HTML. when I view the files on my laptop, it can be seen properly. But if it is viewed in another pc the sizes of images and text are very huge.

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The End.