Hi All

I recently taken up a website

I am doing the all kinds of off page optimization like classifieds, directory. and smo submissions, but i am unable to increase the backlinks

I am trying the other methods of getting them but no results yet

Kindly suggest me how to increase the backlinks...

Thanks in advance

Instead of doing submissions to web directories, try to make an article and submit it to article directories as well as find relevant sites to your niche and request them for one way & two way links. Also you can put some insteresting stuff on your site to which people would love to link it. Social Bookmarking is also very useful for huge traffic.

can you tell me site that gives backlink on article writing.

In addition to all the good advice nikesh.yadev has already given you, you'll have to be patient and continue doing these things. In time the links will come, that's if you don't give up.

can you tell me site that gives backlink on article writing.

Dear friend, do you really think that submitting articles to directories don't increase backlinks?

Dear friend, do you really think that submitting articles to directories don't increase backlinks?

Oops! Sorry its Robdale gave the sound advice and should be given credit. Sorry for that mixup


here is the way to increase your back links.

searching engine submission
forum posting
forum signature
other web directory submission
link exchange with PR sites
one way link from PR sites
social bookmarking
article submission and review
blog review
you tube videos
yahoo answers


here is the way to increase your back links.

searching engine submission
forum posting
forum signature
other web directory submission
link exchange with PR sites
one way link from PR sites
social bookmarking
article submission and review
blog review
you tube videos
yahoo answers

Yes I second you on that. These are the very basic steps that one needs to follow with complete dedication as SEO is an ongoing task which demands consistency and efforts.

article submission, directory submission, press release submission, social bookmarkings etc to incrase your backlinks.

Hey topsurveysite, hope all the good advices given by the members will help you to increase the backlinks of your website.
Please do let us know, if you need any more help.

Instead of doing submissions to web directories, try to make an article and submit it to article directories as well as find relevant sites to your niche and request them for one way & two way links. Also you can put some insteresting stuff on your site to which people would love to link it. Social Bookmarking is also very useful for huge traffic.

What about if you repost blog entries in forums related to your niche, say in an article section? Would that be comparable, or less effective because it's a forum?

That's fine, if the forum is allowing you to repost an article its a plus point for you. The unique article is what attracts visitors to site and as well as signature is the second place where you can market your site.

So, it is not less effective. The more you do the more you get.

To gain backlinks i think is you need to make some exchange links with other sites.

Yah that's right but its better to get one way links from relevant & high PR sites. It will help you to increase the site PR.

What about if you repost blog entries in forums related to your niche, say in an article section? Would that be comparable, or less effective because it's a forum?

If the forum administrator if fine with that, I would say go for it. You'll get more exposure, especially if the forum is related to your site. And Google won't penalize you for it as long as you have a backlink to the original article.

Articles are one of the best ways for backlinks. Plus helps share your expertise and also adds credibility.

3 reasons why articles are great

Hi All

I recently taken up a website

I am doing the all kinds of off page optimization like classifieds, directory. and smo submissions, but i am unable to increase the backlinks

I am trying the other methods of getting them but no results yet

Kindly suggest me how to increase the backlinks...

Thanks in advance

I think to gain a backlink you have to post on some forums site or exchange link. Please feel free to visit my site at <snip url>

you camments on blogs for backlinks.

Hi All

I recently taken up a website

I am doing the all kinds of off page optimization like classifieds, directory. and smo submissions, but i am unable to increase the backlinks

I am trying the other methods of getting them but no results yet

Kindly suggest me how to increase the backlinks...

Thanks in advance

Set up your accounts for different social media sites like Digg, Twitter, and so on. And then fill out your profile with your homepage. I've found that these profiles get indexed by Google, and sometimes people who are just interested in you visit your homepage just to know more about who you are.

Yes, thats absolutely right. Creating accounts on social media sites like digg and twitter can really help you in getting permanent visitors. Twitter helps to let your network know when you have a new blog post.

You can submit article and link exchange with your related sites.

One more important thing I would like to tell. Commenting on various sites & blogs is very essential for increasing backlinks to your site.

It is very important that you should not spam on the sites you comment and the comments you put should be some how related to your site and must be unique. Viewers and search engines are really not interested in the comments like “Hi, very nice website… the article is good and informative”.

Its always better to make your opinions, views, or suggestions in comments. The more keywords you add in your comments the Google sooner or later will tag them with your content.


There are lot of methods to increase back link of your sites

1. Link Building Process( one- way / Two-way)
2. Directory Submission
3. Article Submission
4. Press Release Submission
5. Blog and Forum Posting

if you apply these all in right direction then defenetily your site back links will be increased


Do all small things in off-page optimization like directory submission, social bookmarking, networking, article submission, blog creation, posting and commenting, forum posting and also do little bit reciprocal linking.

All the other methods are necessary for increasing backlinks and traffic, but as chrisstyris had mention that do a little bit reciprocal but only with the relevant and high PR sites.

i am agree with you. Social bookmark is good technique to increase traffic in website.

Hat tip to Sampath1 for summing it up nicely.

You may want to focus on forums (like this one) and blogs that provide dofollow backlinks.

If you want to find the dofollow blogs and forums, then you need to check the source code of that site and just find rel="nofollow". If you find it in the code then its not a dofollow site.

my opinion says all are basic steps social bookmarking , form posting, article submission, directory submission are good to increase traffic in site. but quality content is most important factor in all steps.

Yes, there should be some quality and uniqueness in the content, but also the submissions you are doing should be on quality sites. The more quality sites you select the more quality links you will get.

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