I got a new blog, which I'm using quite random domain with. It doesn't have any keywords or anything. Just like a random brandable domain kind of thing.

I was wondering how important is having keywords in your domain in terms of SEO. Like in realistically is it really that important?

Any advice from SEO experts?

Keywords in the domain name are VERY important. You will rank much better for a keyword if it is in the domain.

The challenge is that you can only have one or two keywords in a domain, since you will get dinged if you try to stuff it full of keywords. Another challenge is that all the good domains are taken.

I agree strongly that keywords in the domain name are important - try to refrain from using hyphens too. Although I have no proof, I am sure that .com does make a difference!

I got a new blog, which I'm using quite random domain with. It doesn't have any keywords or anything. Just like a random brandable domain kind of thing.

I was wondering how important is having keywords in your domain in terms of SEO. Like in realistically is it really that important?

Any advice from SEO experts?

I'm not an SEO expert, but I can give you some feedback from a user standpoint. If that mean really has nothing to do with your blog, then it can send a mixed message to the user, unintentionally of course. I mean, if your names is CarPlace and you write about flowers, that can't be good for your site. On the other hand, if it is unique enough (like Google or Flickr)...then it can work out well for you.

But just something to consider, tie the name into the theme of your site somehow.

I believe that they are so important that we always recommend that the client get a new domain with the primary keyword phrase in the url. Then redirect the old url,s to the new domain.

SEO point of view the impact of keywords in your domain will be negligible, IMO.

I strongly recommend that but this not impossible but very tough to get keyword domain.

SEO point of view the impact of keywords in your domain will be negligible, IMO.

Hello Bobchrist, could you please explain, how it will be negligible?

It's better to have your primary keyword in your domain name. I believe it makes it easy for you to rank well if you have the main keyword in it. If you don't have the keyword in domain, I believe, it takes more SEO to rank the site well for that keyword than if it is in the domain.

keyword in domain gives high weightage.

It's better to have your primary keyword in your domain name. I believe it makes it easy for you to rank well if you have the main keyword in it. If you don't have the keyword in domain, I believe, it takes more SEO to rank the site well for that keyword than if it is in the domain.

I too think that it makes easier for SEO if the keyword is included in your domain. I believe its a plus point for that domain.

in msn and yahoo yes but in google the page rank is more important

That's what i am saying... But to gain a good PR keywords does have a major part in it. And if the keyword is included in your domain, it makes much more easier.

It's better to have your primary keyword in your domain name. I believe it makes it easy for you to rank well if you have the main keyword in it. If you don't have the keyword in domain, I believe, it takes more SEO to rank the site well for that keyword than if it is in the domain.

Yep, I strongly agree... Just take a look at the search results.

Ignore bobchrist, the domain name does matter. I have personally had a site rank 7 on google for search terms in the domain name that did not appear in the site's content. The domain was 10+ years old and stable with its content.

When you google something do you notice that it bolds the keywords you searched for that also appear in the domain name? The code they have for "Did you mean...?" when you're searching also helps them extract individual words from domain names for ranking, they have a firm grasp of the english language and words comprising a domain name.

Its simple and real fact, without keywords nobody can achieve their goals ie. PR & Traffic. Keywords do plays an important role in SEO. And, if they could then, it will take years n years to achieve PR and get traffic to the sites.

Keyword is important, but it doesn't force you to buy domain names full of keywords.

Agree... but don't you think that if the domain contains keywords then its makes much easy.

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