Google has a new program going ...

It's an affiliate program in which they pay $20 CPA for anyone you refer to AdSense / AdWords. Unfortunately, it's currently - of course! - in beta, which means it's by invitation only.

Has anyone been one of the privileged few to have received an invitation into this program? Tested it out? How does it work? How do the banners look? What sizes are available?

I would love more information on this program if anyone has anything to share.

Looks very interesting, but I'd think Google wouldn't have any problem finding publishers. Clearly Google needs more exposure...

Ooooh! I'd be interested to take a look to if anyone out there has any sort of additional information or an invite. Is this like that whole invite to Gmail thing again? :)

Funny comment Danny -- "Clearly Google needs more exposure..." I'm rolling on the floor. :)

Ooooh! I'd be interested to take a look to if anyone out there has any sort of additional information or an invite. Is this like that whole invite to Gmail thing again? :)

Funny comment Danny -- "Clearly Google needs more exposure..." I'm rolling on the floor. :)

So you also see the pun?

To me, if Google really needed help finding publishers, they could save a bundle in commission fees and just post a link on their index...

I applied 3 weeks ago but got a response saying that "This program is currently in limited release and available by invitation only.", and that they would contact me in the case they decide to expand the program in the future.

I know of some people who got accepted, but they can't send invitations themselves.

I guess I was rejected basically because they are currently only accepting sites from within the U.S., and mine aren't. They added this note after a few days of having the beta page online. Maybe to reduce the amount of registrations received while they’re in Beta.

Who knows... maybe it'll come out of the lab sometime during my lifetime. :rolleyes:


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