I am facing a strange SEO problem as my site opens with multiple www. Example: www www www www example com
The www example com has PR4, www www example com also has pr 4, repeating www more than two times opens my site but doesn't have any PR.

Can anyone let me the know the possible reason for site being opened with multiple www and if possible the solution

I don't know why you want to have so many www to confuse the search engine as well as the potential site visitors. You would probably scare them by this kind of url.

I am facing a strange SEO problem as my site opens with multiple www. Example: www www www www example com
The www example com has PR4, www www example com also has pr 4, repeating www more than two times opens my site but doesn't have any PR.

Can anyone let me the know the possible reason for site being opened with multiple www and if possible the solution

I think there is some mistake in your coding part or you have promoted your site with these urls.
It is the indication of canonical problem. Fix it as soon as possible.

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