1. the general potential that e-commerce offers to a business
2. tge barriers to a business developing e-commerce
3. how barriers can be overcome
4. the help available to businesses to develop their e-commerce potential
5. the protecting of payments and security of client information in e-commerce

1. the general potential that e-commerce offers to a business
2. tge barriers to a business developing e-commerce
3. how barriers can be overcome
4. the help available to businesses to develop their e-commerce potential
5. the protecting of payments and security of client information in e-commerce

You are asking for a lot of specific info that you may not get here. I would suggest checking some of the programming and business periodical websites as they might have comprehensive reports or white papers that will answer all of your questions. I would also suggest checking the bookstores and libraries for intro to e-commerce books as you seem to be looking for a detailed overview of the whole process

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