www stackway com

search "basketball" for an example with results

i'm trying to give a professional look, but i'm not a photoshop expert.

Also how do i go about advertising?

i'm currently developing a firefox add-on for a quick add feature..

By looking at your site I am not sure I understand what the site is about... Is it a betting site? Anyway, you seem to have a long way to go. You need to fully optimize your site in order for it to be findable by search engines. After you optimize it then you can begin your marketing campaign. I always suggest combining free and paid marketing methods. Among the most used promotional tools are different forms of email marketing like solo ads, contact solo ads, ezines, and newsletters. There are also free methods like social networking (must develop a plan of action otherwise you can lose your focus), classifieds, traffic exchanges (they create site branding) among many other tools.

Well, yes, your site looks to me undone. You indeed need a lot of improvements. First of all do a great design for this website, it should be eye-catching!!! Understendable!!! If you are not sure that you can do this by yourself than you may hire a webdesigner or to download some website template for it. I can recommend you to take a look at this collection (websitetemplates.bz/products_new.html), hope you will get inspired! After you will be done with your design, you need to optimize your site fully! Have you ever heard about SEO?? I think that yes, and you understand that it is the most important part. If you dont know how to do a SEO than you also may hire a SEO-master who will do this instead of you qualitatively and in shortest terms! And after this just start your marketing compaign! That's it!


I think StackWay does not have a particular theme yet. It's better if you streamline and focus on a sub niche in order to stand out.

thx all answers are very helpful

In my opinion, you have to settle your theme for your website to focus on. From there you could think of a way of promoting the site.

Better you can hire an employee to do this task. They will better take care of this work.

It is better to give more preference to content rather than graphics, because, IF you want to get more traffic via search engines, you have to consider more content, and the time duration takes to load your site. If you have more graphics, it will take more time to load the page, that may lead you to get less traffic via google. So, Give more preference to content to get more profits :D

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