Hello Everyone!

I am looking for to outreach someone for link exchange etc. Also I would like to know that how can I index my backlinks sites fast so that I get a backlink?


Dont worry about links getting indexed at all.
You only have to do this, when you generate low-quality links.

Title says "Outreach" - so you are aiming to build the best backlinks available i suppose.

First, you have to be aware, that link building outreach genereally is "cold outreach" (if you dont have your network setup yet).

Cold Outreach is not the most liked Form of Advertising - In fact, human hate it. Nobody needs MORE Spam Mails in their inboxes.

So, make this one decision wisely:

Do you want to be another one of these unwanted spammers, annoying 1000's of people/day for weeks with follow-ups?

I'll advise you to not. Link Building Outreach is maybe the hardest and most frustrating part in SEO, if your approach is wrong.

My personal rules, after 15 yrs of intense link building outreach:

  • I empathize with the PEOPLE receiving my Mails.
  • I NEVER send an Email, which would annoy me.
  • I create and offer VALUE for the other site.
  • I focus on the Receipients benefit to create Win-Win-(Win-)Situations.
  • I NEVER address anybody generic, always highly personalized.
  • I NEVER use a Template, always try to create innovative approaches somehow.
  • I try to reach the receipient on an emotional level, make him laugh, or even cry.

One of the biggest problems when you start, is finding relevant sources, which are not direct competition.
dont follow the crowd on this! Dont do it like everbody does it, or your success rates will me miserable.

Link Building Outreach indeed requires ALOT of creativity :)

Best of Success!

commented: Thanks for the input.. yes I am not getting any responses by sending cold mails +0

Sorry, i've overread your second question.

To index backlinks quicker you can use tools like

They are both pretty spammy tho and tbh there's not much reason to use them anymore:

  • Links, which drive no traffic, don't really count.
  • Links, which drive traffic, get indexed automatically.

So when Google doesn't take note of a backlink, it's because it's not driving any traffic.
More backlinks to your backlink won't change that. In fact, it's the other way round:

More Backlinks to your Backlink site, which also dont genererate any traffic, even DECREASE the power of your powerless link.
This means, second Tier Backlinks can indeed be harmful, unless they generate some clicks.

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