Dear Community,
Need your advice. We have just redesigned our website and now statistics shows attendance reduced. Can it be concerned with new design of the website or something? I'm at a loss.

Dear Community,
Need your advice. We have just redesigned our website and now statistics shows attendance reduced. Can it be concerned with new design of the website or something? I'm at a loss.

Did you redesign the site or you change the contents on it as well. What about your site hosting.

If you change everything then best thing is either resubmit new sitemap or submit your site to all major engines again.

After submission it will take some time to repappear your site again.

that is my opinion

Did you redesign the site or you change the contents on it as well. What about your site hosting.

If you change everything then best thing is either resubmit new sitemap or submit your site to all major engines again.

After submission it will take some time to repappear your site again.

that is my opinion

We've changed only website design, not content or hosting. The following has been changed: the structure of the website, the color of the website, one more webpage has been added. That's all.

I've checked PR - it remains the same.

Two points:

1. The internet has been making false "can't find page" errors over the last few days.

2. Your use of the triskellion symbol may offend certain people, as it has been used by pagan religions and the Third Reich.

Two points:

1. The internet has been making false "can't find page" errors over the last few days.

2. Your use of the triskellion symbol may offend certain people, as it has been used by pagan religions and the Third Reich.

Wow! Can't believe it can be true! .. Third Reich.. Byt it is green! And Reich had 4 branches!

I was not referring to the swastika. They used the triskellion in France for one particular corps the French hated.

It usually takes web search engines a couple of weeks to notice new pages.

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