I'm a newbie to internet marketing, I would like to know how to increase traffic to my website. The address is www.diendzmusicstore.com, please make suggestions to help make the site a better site.

Have more than 8 albums.

I know I definately have to do that, it's going to take a while to get more albums, because we are producing the albums ourselves. Is there any other ideas you can give that would make website a better environment?

Use fresh contents google love it , give the co related key words to your site ... and use forum posting ...

I'll be putting on fresh content soon, but it's alot of work because I'm producing all the music, working on the website, and even recording all the music, I don't have the help I need. It's just me and a good friend of mine that does all the work, but he's just responsible for the rhythms, so just imagine the amount of work I have to be doing. If you can give me pointers on some additional content I could add, i like the forum idea but it's hard to get one setup.

The most simple and practical that buy ads from high traffic website

I recommend, you should put videos in your site. Videos gets you a good trust from the search engines. They love it!! Of course, you should keep updating the content on your site and use relevant keywords. Social communities like orkut, delicious, etc should help you for sure in driving traffic. Good luck!!

i like the forum idea but it's hard to get one setup.

Not at all...go check out http://www.phpbb.com/.

I have their forum on my site. From the time I downloaded it to the time I finished configuring everything to my liking, it took maybe an hour. As a bonus, it's free, and they have a lot of very good looking templates.

Nice looking site, btw.
Just being nitpicky... your logo text blends in to the background a little too much...makes it hard to read

Try to have a background on optimizing the pages, on and off page:

off page - directory submissions, article submissions,forum posting and buying back links from the old sites are helpful for you, also try to update unique content on your site.

on page - meta tags and programming

Create a Facebook fan group and invite your friends...then they can invite theirs... Maybe sounds stupid but it quadruples traffic of my site when the group hit 500 members...

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