Hello there,

This is a hypothetical situation.

I have designed my website from scratch. I have done all the CSS and HTML coding myself and the site looks great. Is there a way to incorporate a Content Management System into an already coded website?

Sure. A CMS doesn't have to be complicated.

Not knowing a single thing about your website, if you had a news section, simply having a server-side script read the news from a database into a HTML page, and another page that would allow you to add to the news database... that would qualify as a CMS.

But if you are talking about using one of them big CMSs, like Joomla, then I wouldn't consider incorporating it into your site, but rather try to incorporate your site into it.

Subtle difference, but it makes a difference ;-)

Is there a way to incorporate a Content Management System into an already coded website?

Yes there is away.

<script languae="PHP">

This is how i inserted the CMS into web pages at my internship, but i dont know the rest of the CMS. I would like to find that out.

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Is there a way to incorporate a Content Management System into an already coded website?

Yes, definitely, but you can not integrate CMS which are available in the internet like Joomla, Drupal etc. once you finished your site. At this stage you can only hire someone to develop a custom CMS to integrate with your existing site.

yes actually cms is made for that cause...........to integrate with design.

Hi..Briefly a CMS typically helps hide the details of HTML and focuses on "management"--creating a standardized layout using templates, controlling user access, managing menus, providing a framework for extensions, etc. A CMS application is used by the web site visitor as well as the web site author.

Editors, such as Dreamweaver, iWeb, Expression Web, etc are a great use to create Content management system fo your web site..

Content Management Systems are used to create, manage and publish web content, empowering business users to directly manage their content without technical assistance and automating the process for review and publishing of web content. The best content management solution for your web site is one that will generate a measurable return almost immediately by lowering operating costs and increasing profit.

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