Hello. I am trying to find a good tutorial that will allow with the menu bar at the top of the page and when you hover over the 'menu words' the entire page will slide down so you can see the contents of the menu. Any one have any suggestions as to where I can go for a good tutorial? Thank you in advance.

sibindinstar commented: Check out tutorials on W3Schools or CSS-Tricks, and for inspiration, visit Dinstar Dubai +0

If you are looking to create a multi-level navigational menu, using CSS, I have an example that you are free to use for your purposes. Code and explanation..

Multi-level Navigation Menu with CSS

Click Here
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commented: try providing help here rather than just plugging your own business -2

Actually I was thinking more along the lines of when you have a menu bar at the top of the page. Then when you hover over the menu bar the whole page will drop down and a menu options would take the whole page at the top.

Have you looked into using jQuery? Check their site for examples and documentation. JQuery.com. If you are looking for a pre-built solution, I haven't seen this exact example but I'm sure that if you do a search with jQuery you'll find something similar.

Thanks for all your suggestions. Diana

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