so if you go to my webiste here

you will notice under my Footer there is a big black section how to i get rid of that because its not in y html and i was wondering it might be in the css plz could someone look plz ;] my Css

If you use the developer tools of your browser, you can easily see what's what.

Remove this two properties from your #footer

clear: left;
padding-bottom: 74px;

and you should have everything back to normal.

I dont see any elements below your footer. It's black because you applied a background-color of #000000 (black) to your body element.

I assume you are asking about this because you want your footer to be placed at the bottom of your page?

If so, here is a summary on how to do that: Pushing a Footer to teh Bottom of a Web Page

If you provide a picture or layout of how you want the page to look like, better guidance can be provided to you.

remove css

#Footer {
clear: left;
padding-bottom: 74px;
margin: 16px auto 0px auto;

this three property and you got what you want and also download firbug for mozilla and chrome so you can solve css problem

There is very little to view on the page you have linked too so it is not too clear just what layout you are trying to achieve. However, as the previous poster mentioned, it strikes me that what you want - amongst other things - is to see the footer appear consistently at the bottom of the page. Judging from your current page layout I would suggest that it might well be worth looking at the jQuery UI layout plugin - Click Here

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