Currently I have an Apple 23" Cinema HD display monitor - at a resolution of 1920x1200. Does anyone know where I could find high resolution, widescreen desktop wallpaper? The only place I know of that offers any right now is but you need to purchase a subscription in order to have access to it. When I first got the monitor I purchased one, but my year just ran up, and I really don't want to put out another $100 for another year.

It's actually funny - about an hour after I posted my question, I bought the subscription to - nice designs and it's a lifetime membership instead of the renewing annually thing. Exactly what I was looking for :)

Did you by any chance find it on google? ;)

Actually, when I do a search for widescreen wallpaper, I end up at this thread :)

Actually, when I do a search for widescreen wallpaper, I end up at this thread :)

You are seems to LOVE this site

You can fin a large collection of wallpapers here: StyleXP .ro

Sorry but I dont think you will get to much from 1024 x 768 resolution!!!
I use 17" and resolution here is 1280 x 1024, what about Dani with 23" :confused:
Also images are not of greates kvality, have ugly logo in right bottom corner, looks to me that most of them been simple scaned.

Sorry my friend

hundreds of free wallpapers and ability to pick out the needed size.
InterfaceLIFT - Free GUI Enhancements for Mac OS X and Windows XP

those are all awesome sites... does anyone know the desktop wallpaper site that has a picture of a faucet spouting fire, maze with white walls,anda lego man, or a couch watching tv with a gray background. for some reason, i think it might be a foreign site, or the url is spelled funny or something.

thanks in advance

i have this wallapaper that i loveand i dont remember where i got it and i cant find it anywhere on the web, i want to put up a new wallpaper but i dont want to lose the one i have, has anyone seen this wallpaper b4 or know where i can save it?

i cant get the image to upload

If you cant upload a description and a resolution might help a little.

I have the same problem only i alreadyy lost the wallpaper. It was a very high res with just an oak tree in the middle taking up most of the picture in the afternoon.

Is it possible to have a wallpaper that spans a dual screen setup?

Currently I have an Apple 23" Cinema HD display monitor - at a resolution of 1920x1200. Does anyone know where I could find high resolution, widescreen desktop wallpaper? The only place I know of that offers any right now is but you need to purchase a subscription in order to have access to it. When I first got the monitor I purchased one, but my year just ran up, and I really don't want to put out another $100 for another year. you can select the size in pixels and it finds the pictures of that particular size

Yeah, I would have expected our CineMassive Displays array to have shipped with some triple monitor wallpapers...would have been a nice perk for sure. I hear 9x media has some decent ones. We just use mandolux though. impressive stuff for sure and his prints are for sale at istockpro.

In Corel Photopaint, I can resample an existing image to be larger.

I subscribed once to digital blasphemy back in the 90's. I think it was like $10 a year then, but after only seeing 3 new wallpapers made for members over the entire year, I gave up on it. I ran at 1600x1200 around '99, which was huge back then, and it was rather difficult finding wallpaper for my screen. That's why I just started making my own!

Took a glance at, they got some quality stuff there.

This post is coming a bit late but I recently started a website called DigitalDefault and I offer free high resolution wallpaper in many sizes. I started this becaue I ran into so many sites that had tons of wallpaper but they were not good quality or required a payment to use.

I hope you take a look, there is not a huge selection yet but I am working hard on getting photographers and artists to share their work. Enjoy!

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