filmman 0 Newbie Poster

Maybe someone can help with this. I’m trying to fix my friend’s laptop. When she starts it up, there is an error message that says Error Code 02b2 the Floppy drive is not configured properly. Run Setup.

When I go to Setup, the bios does not give a choice for any floppy drive. It’s not listed at all. The only drives that are listed are the hard drive and the CD Rom. I tried reloading the default settings, but that didn’t work.

Once I boot into windows, the A drive is listed but floppy discs aren’t recognized.

I suspect this may be a faulty drive or connector cable, but since this is a laptop, it’s really hard to get to the floppy (it’s not removable) and almost impossible to swap it out.

Also, I am really confused why the floppy is not listed as an item in the BIOS. The system has the PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0.

Anyone have any thoughts on this?