turneriver 0 Newbie Poster

I have an Nvidia 6800 PCI-E, set up with 2 monitors. I "hot-swapped" the 2 monitors (which were different sizes, models and manufacturers), changing which dvi output the monitor's cables were attached to while the computer was running.

After that, the inboard output has had a sort of "interference." It appears to shake, or shimmer in certain areas of the display, and also to have an effect in those areas similar to the effect you can create by using Photoshop (i have v.6) to increase one color or another too much in the color balance adjustment, where thet colors gets too hot in spots. These hot spots seem to follow a pattern, and when showing the Windows "Tranquility" screen, or whatever they call the grass hill and clouds desktop, the "hot" lines follow the edges of the clouds in the area where they are occurring.
At first, it was doing this in all resolutions and even when booting up Windows, and to whichever display that inside port was attached to.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the drivers. Then, I put my 17" monitor on the inside port, and if I set the resolution no higher than 1024x768, it's fine. But if I bump it up to 1280x1024, it's top resolution, then the "interference" returns. I'm quite sure I would have a similar problem on the 20" Samsung, but perhaps possibly at a higher resolution level.

I'm afraid I damaged that inside port by hot-swapping the monitors. Does anyone have an opinion about what is going on?