OldReilly 0 Newbie Poster

Hi G(uy/irl)s,
I have a small problem (to you I hope).
I have 2 Dells, a Dimension 9200, came with 2x250GB Caviars set to RAID0. Swapped for 2x1TB set to RAID1. No problem.
Second, Vostro 200, came as 1x150GB Caviar.
I am trying to install the Caviars from the 9200 into the Vostro. Therein lies the problem.
Installed the drives (physically), into setup (F2), changed IDE to RAID, came out, CTRL-I to configure RAID. Stop!
Disk/volume information reports that drives are incompatible. Sees them OK, gives port, model, Serial # and size, OK. How can they be incompatible and in what way? Until I can fix this, selecting 1 Create RAID Volume reports "Not enough space to create RAID volume" presumably because it can't see any drives.
Intel Martrix Storage Manager ROM v7.5.0.1017
BIOS rev 1.0.11
AHCI ROM BIOS 01.03.50
Help moving forward would be most appreciated.
The OldReilly

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