swindonnewbies 0 Newbie Poster

hello everyone!

i desperatly need your help!

i have spend 2 whole days trying to install successfully my microsoft lifecam vx3000 - however whenever it begins instralling it comes up with the following errors:

setup cannot copy the file kstvtune.ax

ensure the locations specified below is correct.

well i have changed localtions etc etc all to no avail!

if i let it skip that then it comes up with approx another 15-20 different files it either cannot find or cannot copy (some i cannot find using the search facility on pc).

such as:


etc etc etc

now i am a total technical idiot so i need someone to take me through this step by step using language suitable for a playschool lol ( i have a 2yr old and my brain is mushing into two yr old talk).

thanks in advance!

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