I have Windows 98 on my laptop computer, and still do, but it started to messing up, and I am in need of installing it again. What do you suggest? And what is the best way to go about doing it? I dont have a reconfiguation disk.
Your help is apreciated

I have Windows 98 on my laptop computer, and still do, but it started to messing up, and I am in need of installing it again. What do you suggest? And what is the best way to go about doing it? I don't have a reconfiguration disk.

"Messing up" in what way? Some problems, such as malware, won't be solved with a re-install. You may wind up posting a HijackThis log to the Security Forum.

That having been said, if you really do need to re-install, you may already have the cabinet (.CAB) files on the machine. The default location is Windows\Options\CABs--but they may be elsewhere. If they are not in the default location, use the Windows Find function or the DOS command lines
CD \
Dir *.cab /s /p

to find them. If you do not have the CAB files, get an appropriate Windows 98 CD from somewhere and use it. In either case, see my article Corrupt 98 to find out more.

Michael Rudas
Thanks alot you have been a real help. I will try this, soon. I may even let you know what happens.
Thanks again
George B.

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