
My outlook 2003 default format is HTML. The Default fond for new/reply messages is Arial.

The Problem:
I get a message in text format. When I manually change the format of this message to HTML, the font of the message is Times Roman.

How can I make outlook automatically use the default font (Arial) as the font for messages changed from text to HTML ?


use the 'help' in outlook and change the word.dot template and that should do the trick as outlook uses the word template.

use the 'help' in outlook and change the word.dot template and that should do the trick as outlook uses the word template.

Could you clarify your suggestion ? How does using 'help' enable me to change the template ?

If you go to the help in OUTLOOK and then do a SEARCH for FONT or DEFAULT Font it should give you instructions on how to change the default fonts for both sending and receiving file formats. By doing this you are changing the WORD.DOT template and it may also change the default font in WORD as well.

As I wrote in my original post, my default font is already Arial. It's just that Outlook _does not_ use this default when a message is changed from TEXT to HTML.

Hi, try this one..

Go to Tools -> Options -> then there's a pop-up window go to
Mail Format Tab -> then at mail format tab

at this option -> Compose in this message format: choose Plain Text or either Rich Text or HTML

choose which message format you want to edit the font default settings.. then click on the button "Fonts" just below the said option

hope it helps..

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