Hi, i have only just joined this website, im not sure how to use it properly... i need help i have windows vista and recently i accidently deleted photos and somehow they have been deleted from my computer from the recyle bin too.. the only way i can find them is through my search index on vista.. when i go search and look up a file that i had on my computer before they still come up, however when i click on the actual photos all that comes up is a message saying: Photo gallery can not open this photo because it might have been deleted or is in a location that is not avaialbe. The photo thumbnails come up but the photo keeps saying that? someone please help me. my email is <snip>.. im not sure how to use this website. Thanks x
humble40 0 Newbie Poster
DinoJamin commented: Download Photo Recovery Tool to retrieve your deleted images, photo or pictures from their various devices. It is the best solution to recover deleted +0
jojoy 0 Newbie Poster
slash49er 0 Junior Poster in Training
firekid1239 36 Light Poster
JasonHippy 739 Practically a Master Poster
Flame8 -4 Newbie Poster
jbennet commented: After two months, those pics are long gone -4
Bob_180_Bob 41 Posting Virtuoso
Deepdp 0 Newbie Poster
gerbil 216 Industrious Poster
Jessikaa 0 Newbie Poster
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