There are reports surfacing that Microsoft has taken enough of a beating over Windows 8/8.1 that a new version, codenamed Threshhold, is in the works. Reliable sources claim that Threshhold will have the traditional desktop with a proper start menu and the ability to run Metro apps on the desktop. Basically the functionality provided by Start8 and ModernMix from Stardock Software. A separate version of Windows will be released for tablets.

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So...Windows 8.1 with a proper start menu? Running Metro apps on the desktop seems interesting, but not really a make or break feature. Having the two IE versions talk to each other would be nice. Do these reliable sources have any other information? If not, I'm not seeing much of an improvement aside from placating the whiners. ;)

Granted, the start button in 8.1 is a clear and definite "F You!" from the UI designers.

Yes. A proper start menu. Also, no Metro interface except for tablets and possibly touch-enabled PCs. And it's no more 'placating the whiners' than Windows 7 was as a response to Vista.

And so it goes again, Microsoft keeping up with their tradition of alternating between one bad version and one good version: Win95 (OK), Win98 (bad), Win2000 (good), WinME (dismal), WinXP (very good), WinVista (bad), Win7 (OK), Win8 (bad), ... I guess it wouldn't be too bad if they didn't take such a long time between versions.

When I bought my Dell laptop (2008) it came with Vista (crap) and when Windows 7 (not crap) was released I had to pay for the upgrade. I see the same thing happening again as I will likely buy a new laptop this year. It will come with Windows 8.x and I'll have to pay yet again for Windows 9. What a cruche of merde.

Microsoft to reveal Windows 'Threshold' plans in April, says report

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