I'm running Windows XP Professional on my desktop computer. When I try to boot Normally, it appears to work fine until it gets to the Windows XP screen with the horizontal moving dots. The dots continue to move for awhile and then stop. This is as far as it goes. The hard drive light stays on solid. I can boot into Safe Mode with no problem. I appreciate any help offered.

I'm running Windows XP Professional on my desktop computer. When I try to boot Normally, it appears to work fine until it gets to the Windows XP screen with the horizontal moving dots. The dots continue to move for awhile and then stop. This is as far as it goes. The hard drive light stays on solid. I can boot into Safe Mode with no problem. I appreciate any help offered.

do you recall when this started occuring? Was it just after you updated a driver or program? If so uninstall said driver/program and reinstall an older version.

Also you may want to run a boot-time virus scan, to see if a virus may be at fault. avast! antivirus is free and has this feature.

I'm sure the rexluporum was implying that this should be done in the safe mode, but I will point out the obvious just to be sure.

I you don't find anything when you run the scan/s you might try using the last known good configuration, if that fails you can try a system restore.

This just suddenly started happening. No new programs or drivers were installed. I did run Norton Antivirus in Safe Mode but the problem was not corrected. I also tried the Last Known Good Configuration. I did not try a Syatem Restore Point. When I get home on Monday, I will try this and re-post the results.

just fixed similar /same problem by booting to the winxp recovery console and typing in chkdsk

Something hat boots in nomal mode oe not boot in safe mode. You could check and compare apps in the task bar. If this i srecent you might know the application or try a system restore. Otherwise i don't know how to identify the application.

I did a Syatem REstore to an earlier date and I can now boot to Windows normally. Now I have another problem. I can't see my CD Drives and oter devices. I will close this thread and post another one for my new problem.

There is a virus that can rename or even delete system files this will cause the computer to boot in safe mode but not in Normal Mode. All files are not required for a safe boot up. You can try running a program in safe mode that is called "ReImage" it will most of the time repair your system with new files that are missing or damaged due to this virus. I am not associated with this ReImage program in no way, but I have seen it work. Good Luck!

There is a virus that can rename or even delete system files this will cause the computer to boot in safe mode but not in Normal Mode. All files are not required for a safe boot up. You can try running a program in safe mode that is called "ReImage" it will most of the time repair your system with new files that are missing or damaged due to this virus. I am not associated with this ReImage program in no way, but I have seen it work. Good Luck!

Reimage ,it only got one review on download .com and it wasn't a good one .http://download.cnet.com/Reimage-Repair/3000-18512_4-10907808.html

It worked for me sorry no one likes it. Maybe it don't do so good on all computers and in my note is why I said "it will most of the time repair your system" not all the time
Thanks anyway!

The ReImage review you said was in 2008 but it has come a long way from there. Better at fixing pc problems but just like you I can not say I completely trust it to fix his problem. Most likelly a hard drive problem. Good Luck!

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