Hello people I have bit of a question as google seems to be providing me with nothing but useless registry changes to fix my problem.

Well problem is this, I have to be able to constantly be aware of any email I receive while at work as most people do. I do how ever usually need to also have alot of windows open. Having one less window down there would be nice. I have searched google and found a few registry entries that are suppose to work with the 2002 version but they appear to not work with 2000. If anyone knows of a working reg change to get Outlook 2000 into my windows 2000 pro systray I would appreciate it. Any other means would also be fine aslong as it doesnt require me to use software as this workstation is under strict rules about what software is allowed on it. Thanks in advance for the help :D

Im sure the program works great but unfortunately I am under company policy and am unable to install software that is not on our companies approved list :cry:

To minimize it to the system tray, start regedit and follow the steps below:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 10.0 \ Outlook \ Preferences
New Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value Name: MinToTray
Data: 1 (0 to disable MinToTray)

Close regedit and your good to go.

will that work for outlook 2002? if not could you let me know how. i would really like to do this for my workstation as well. i am using win2K with outlook XP

Not sure about 2002, but it does work for 2000.

Let me test it on 2002 real quick.


Yes it works with 2002 (Outlook XP)

cool thanks

yep it worked thanks that is very nice. one less thing i have in the toolbar.

No prob, I've had a bunch of users here ask for that now and then.

Ive used that reg entry several times and that is also the one I found when I googled. It will only work with version 2002 or XP. Thanks though

Hmm thats odd, it works on all the 2000 ones I've installed it on also.

do you think that it will work in winXP. im guessing ya but i was jst curious

I've have it working in both Win2k and WinXP in both Outlook2k and OutlookXP(2002).

Hmm strange, but I have tried that resolution to no avail.

Ok im at work right now and I just tried

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 9.0 \ Outlook \ Preferences
New Data Type: REG_DWORD
Value Name: MinToTray
Data: 1 (0 to disable MinToTray)

I also tried changing between binary and hex not that id think that was the cause... I closed reg edit and nothing, I rebooted and nothing. There must be something I am overlooking if everyone else is getting it to the systray.

Microsoft \ Office \ 9.0 \ Outlook \ Preferences

The 9.0 is your problem it should be 10.0 for 2000 or 2002

9.0 is what is in my reg....am i suppose to add a 10.0 section or something

Well if you have outlook 2000 or 2002(XP) installed there should be a 10.0 directory listed under that reg key.

Are you running an office install with Outlook, or just a straight Outlook install?

It is from the office install cd but as I said we have strict policies on software so only word and outlook was installed. I show in my about outlook section that it is indeed outlook 2000. Though the build number shows if that helps.

Yeah that is the Outlook 2000 version number. The only thing I can think is that your company either has a group policy enforcing registry changes, or that it is because you don't have a complete Office install.

Hmm well I know I have the rights to make the changes needed as I am admin on this station. And the policy for the company is really just scanning now and then and mainly good faith of its tech employees. So it must be the fact im using a non full install of office. Im curious though as to if i create the reg entries that are different so that they match will outlook recognize them and work?

You could always try.

My suggest would be to back up your registry first. Then apply the change, if it doesn't work remove it.

If any problems occur, you can boot in safe mode and restore the registry from the backup.

Sounds like a plan, Ill give it a try at the end of the work day when I can spare the workstation crashing on me and let everyone know how it worked out.

Odious, I'm in the exact same situation. I do have a full install of Office2k, but my regestry does not have that 10.0 key... I tried creating the DWORD in the 9.0 key but that didn't work. I also tried making a 10.0 key and putting the DWORD in there but that did not work either. I even rebooted after each attempt and nada..

What a shame... that's crappy that it wont min to the tray from the factory.. :mad:

I have tried this with Outlook 2002 in windows xp and it does not work?

Any suggestions?

Uhhh P.S. CSC gal wow u look nice in that pic! Am I allowed to say that hear? LOL

You can use this nifty lil util I've been using for the past few years now - PowerMenu. Unzip and run the .exe (there's only 3 files in the .zip, and 1 is an .html README page. The other file is a .DLL)

No installation, no fuss, no mess :)

Works on any program in all versions of Windows. Also adds the ability to change the transparency (sp?) of a window, and to make it "always on top."


MD5: fc4d96434c03567e481a30809ebf33fb *PowerMenu_1_5_0.zip

(After you run the .exe, just right-click on the titlebar of a window and choose "Minimize to tray.")

Odious, I'm in the exact same situation. I do have a full install of Office2k, but my regestry does not have that 10.0 key... I tried creating the DWORD in the 9.0 key but that didn't work. I also tried making a 10.0 key and putting the DWORD in there but that did not work either. I even rebooted after each attempt and nada..

What a shame... that's crappy that it wont min to the tray from the factory.. :mad:

I'm having the same issue... any solution for a regedit in this case? it's my only way to change the setting on a paticular machine.

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