I have a 4 year old Gateway computer, Intel P42.6 GHz P4 processor w/800FSB. I had the hard drive replaced last year and it now has 250 GB.

When I am trying to access web pages, or files, I can hear a clicking noise coming from the tower. When the computer is sitting idle, it does not make this noise.

I have another older gateway computer that started making this same noise and I just replaced it instead of trying to repair it. I do not have the option of replacing this one.

Can anyone tell me what is making this noise and how expensive/difficult it will be to repair it?

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That noise is usually the hdd. Go to the manufacturers site and download their diagnostic tool and run it. Most of these will require you to transfer this download to a floppy to boot from.

What if my computer doesn't have a floppy drive, can I download it to a disk?

It will depend on the manufacturer, some can be, some will require a floppy.

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