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94 Posted Topics
Re: hi I want to know how to read from excel file i know how to open it but how to store cell's value from excel to the variable i wrote varname=xlsheet.Cells(1, 1) and i got run timeerror "cast from range to "string not supported | |
Re: "Never argue with idiots, they'll just bring you down to their level and beat you with experience." :) | |
Re: i hope this link will help you [url]http://www.vbdotnetheaven.com/UploadFile/aghiondea2/StoringImagesInVB11122005034248AM/StoringImagesInVB.aspx?ArticleID=7ed1fe42-0819-4912-88ae-bbc43829d8a6[/url] | |
Re: i think you just need to add reference to System.configuration.dll | |
Re: I am not sure if I understand you well :S do you want to clear the textbox from data when user click some button ? you do like this [CODE]Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click TextBox1.Text = "" [/CODE] and that for all ur … | |
Re: Add ColorDialog control to the form , then change its property to the way you want it to show . to show the dailog [CODE]ColorDialog1.ShowDialog()[/CODE] you can get the color that user selected by ColorDialog1.Color after this you can set the backcolor of form to this color | |
Salam... I need to get value that has been selected from combobox .. the values in combobox is taken from column's contents of one of tabel in database..so once i write if x=combobox.selectedvalue..i got error that i Additional information: Operator is not valid for type 'DataRowView' and string | |
Re: [QUOTE]I am getting an error called 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression'. This only happen when I tried to add an item.[/QUOTE] I think the error means that you have variable from one type and you are trying to store in it value from other type . since you have … | |
Re: I got 27 [QUOTE]You are an average on-line user. You may surf the Web a bit too long at times, but you have control over your usage.[/QUOTE] | |
Re: hi MichelleCrews, welcom to Daniweb ! I hope you will enjoy here and learn more to get A :D | |
Re: i do not understand your code. >>"this the code for button next n previous" you mean that the same code for next and previous ? each one has its own code [CODE] i = 0 [B]For i = 0 To -1[/B] TextBox1.Text = varDataSet.Tables("tbl_rop").Rows([B]0[/B]).Item("Name_User") TextBox2.Text = varDataSet.Tables("tbl_rop").Rows(0).Item("Date_of_birth") TextBox3.Text = varDataSet.Tables("tbl_rop").Rows(0).Item("Hobbies") … | |
hi every one . does any one know how to insert checkbox in datagrid so user can select row and how to know which rows selected | |
Re: [QUOTE]plz...m relly need a immediate coding.. plz sumbody solve my probs.. i want to subtract my current quantity stock went m enter any amount at a textbox... currentquantity = fullquantity - amount(type in the textbox) then save to database can sumbody help mee..plzzz[/QUOTE] As Teme64 said open new thread with … | |
Re: [QUOTE]When i click on the ID field that id should get displayed in the ID TEXT FIELD...[/QUOTE] do you mean display it on TextBox? if yes then use MouseUp event handler inorder to know when user select the cell, and then display the cell content in textbox [CODE]Private Sub DataGrid1_MouseUp(ByVal … | |
Re: [QUOTE][CODE] Private Sub add(Of T)(ByVal x As T, ByVal y As T) Dim res As T res = x + y MsgBox(res) End Sub[/CODE][/QUOTE] what type T ?? | |
Re: do you get error, or the program run but no change made to database or what ? | |
Re: it would be better if you post your code any way , I think you didn't convert from string to double before calculating, you wrote like this [CODE] Balance.Text = coursefees - installment1.Text[/CODE] it may work but if user did not enter value and leave the textbox empty then you … | |
Re: [QUOTE]i have to input number in all textboxes so it gives me a zero in the total. also i have an error coming up its text is not member of double. please help on this.[/QUOTE] sorry but I don't understand the problem , you mean the total is always zero? … | |
Re: [QUOTE] I just wanna discuss about that difficulty, have some advises and know about difficult that you find or found out to plan yours careers.[/QUOTE] About me I had job interview few days ago , he asked me what your career plan for the next 5 years :S I really … | |
Re: 1/to use image in the form you need [URL="http://www.startvbdotnet.com/controls/gbox.aspx"]PictureBox Control[/URL] 2/in order to change the picture whenever the user select item from the comboBox you use the SelectedIndexChanged event, you can get the item that user selected by [CODE] dim selectedItem as string selectedItem = ComboBox.Text [/CODE] | |
Re: there are many good tutorials in net like [URL="http://www.homeandlearn.co.uk/NET/nets12p4.html"]this [/URL] and [URL="http://www.itwriting.com/pcw/vbdotnetdata.php"]this[/URL] you can search for more and it will help you to come up with your code if you need help you can ask here | |
Re: to read from file line by line you need to use ReadLine method as you did , plus checking if you reached the end of file or not by Peek method [CODE]While loadf.Peek <> -1 Line = loadf.ReadLine() ... ... End While[/CODE] [QUOTE]Please just give me the code to read … | |
Re: [QUOTE][CODE]Public Sub save(ByVal sav As Double) If sav= 0.0 Then Console.WriteLine("Is not valid") Else mainsave = sav End If[/CODE] [/QUOTE] what I understand that the user will enter the value in textbox , after you check that user did not leave it empty you can use it . [CODE] Dim … | |
Re: you will need dataAdapter and dataset by using dataset you can [B][I]update[/I][/B] the value of any cell in database [CODE]Me.DataSet11.Tables("Table_Name").Rows(0).Item(1) = TextBox1.Text[/CODE] this will not update your databse , to change it you must write [CODE]Me.OleDbDataAdapter1.Update(Me.DataSet11)[/CODE] inserting new row is like updating, you first add new row into dataset then … | |
Re: first thing you need to store the special characters in [URL="http://www.startvbdotnet.com/language/arrays.aspx"]array [/URL], so you will declear array [CODE]Dim SC(36) As char[/CODE]after that store values [CODE]SC(0) = "Ï" SC(1) = "Î" .......[/CODE]2-go through the user's string using For loop and for each character in user's string ,which you can get by … | |
Re: [CODE] If myGuess = randNum Then[/CODE] here you compare between [I][B]integer[/B][/I] and [I][B]class Random [/B][/I] to solve this [CODE]If myGuess = randNumGenerated Then[/CODE] same thing in the "<" and ">" but you need to define randNumGenerated as global variable I think.. any way your game is hard :S at least … | |
Re: [QUOTE]My Question is should I create a database first...if yes then how and with what? if No then what i`m suppose to do...?[/QUOTE] as Jx_Man said you need to have database so you can make it as source of your data you can use Microsoft Access to create it read … | |
Re: and[URL="http://www.java2s.com/Tutorial/VB/0160__Collections/0220__ArrayList.htm"] this [/URL]is other site now we are waiting your code :) |
The End.