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Find product who hasn't had any sales in first three months of the year?

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Catharina

How can I save the registration data after connecting to the database (an empty table is created for me)? I do this in Blazor (C #). User.cs: [Table("Users")] public class User { [Display(AutoGenerateField = false)] public int UserId { get; set; } [Display(Name = "UserName")] [Required(ErrorMessage = "UserName is required.")] …

Member Avatar for Sheeza Arshad

Write a C++ program to ask user to input last two day’s temperature for two different cities. Then your program must be capable of displaying user data. This program functionality can be performed in many different ways but you are directed to do it using multidimensional arrays.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Lovely Ann
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for aichakh

Hey guys im new here n i need some help uploading image in windows form with vb.net and i don't mean picture box Thnx in advance, its so urgent

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Coderunner

Hello helpers, I'm having a problem with sorting (3rd column) a flat file. flat file looks like this: 20210103|~|3 jan 2021|~|Harold|~|m| 20210121|~|21 jan 2021|~|Elly|~|f| 20210213|~|13 feb 2021|~|Silvy|~|f| 20210330|~|30 mrt 2021|~| George|~|m| Now I want to save it in a new flat file sorted on the **3rd column** Result: 20210121|~|21 jan …

Member Avatar for Coderunner
Member Avatar for Nur Fatin

1.Write the SQL statement to list all columns of the Product table for products costing more than $50. Order the results by product manufacturer (ProdMfg) 2.Write the SQL statement to list all columns of the Product table that contain the word Ink Jet in the product name 3.Write the SQL …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Ashur_1

I am currently working with tkinter, opencv and Media Pipe Framework.I want to recognise all 21 positions of my hands with a JPG image file of myself (Here you can find more information about Mediapipe: https://google.github.io/mediapipe/solutions/holistic). With the help of Tkinter I can call up my picture and play it …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for joseph_59
Member Avatar for Onion13

I kind of figured out how to put a pause in my 2d game when the player shoots. The problem is that when the player shoots once, the game will continue to shoot continously, even after the player has stopped shooting. Can someone please help me? void Bullet()//draws the players …

Member Avatar for Onion13
Member Avatar for Cutie@04

Fred sales bunches of flower at the local shopping centre. One day Fred's boss, Joe tells fred that at any time during the day he will need to know: How many bunches of flower has been sold. a) What was the value of the most expensive bunches sold? b) What …

Programming c++
Member Avatar for Maryam_16
Member Avatar for jessica_10

Hello Everyone! I'm curious on how much should I charge my client to maintain his website? updates, few changes. I am new to this job, so I am not sure how it works, i'm a freelancer. Website Information : 1. Wordpress 2. They have template already, and information on their …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for Juliana_2

this is my sample code to create a student record using singly linked list queue. my problem is that I want to insert a student number in the struct but it doesn't repeat when I input the same student number. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct node { char No[12],Name[24],crsysr[10]; float …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Malik_32
Member Avatar for dasharath_1

Give the solution of the apthon exampsl prectical 1. Write a program to create a number converter that can convert numbers between binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal. E.g. i/p - Please Enter the base of your input number : 2 Please Enter Binary number : 1111 Please Enter Base for …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for mohammedmurad

Write a C++ program that calculates and prints the sum of the odd integers, and the sum of even integers from 1 to 20. Use for statement.

Programming c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for joalanemakaka

I want to make a Visual Basic contacts application that stores the names, emails and countries of up to 10 different people and allows the user to lookup an address based on its number.

Programming vb.net visual-basic
Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Mohammad_94

Hello, I'm facing loding issue on my[ Grocery store](https://www.chococraving.com) when i swiches to clouldflre CDN service. They load much higher then normal. Have any perfect configure for clouldflare for DNS settings. We website is Wordpress based and using Digital Ocean Hosting. Thanks in advance. Salman

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for ______-----

Microscopic Multiply We want to simulate a small square surface of an area with micro-organisms (like bacteria) and how they spread every cycle of life (iteration) on this surface. This surface is 2-D, its size is nxn and each 1x1 space forms a block. Each can be empty or hold …

Member Avatar for Belal_3
Member Avatar for Vandu_1

9. Write a JavaScript program to generate n number of random numbers and store them in an array. Sort the generated numbers in ascending order using array sort method. Develop separate functions to find mean and median of numbers that are in the array. Display the results with appropriate messages.

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Ernesto_10

Hi, Im creating a canvas and inserting an image. I'm using bind to move the image with my mouse. It works, but whenever I add another image, it doesn't work. When I try to move any images, only image1 moves and image 2 dissappears. Any ideas would help, thanks Here's …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for arshad02

Hi, I am looking to create a multis-step filterable gallery as shown in the attached image. I am using wordpress Please help! ![Blank_diagram.png](https://static.daniweb.com/attachments/4/0de051fa654c8be5beadd2182ebb45c4.png)

Member Avatar for සශික

I had button code to print data in data grid view on vb.net program. But when I click on print all times it show print preview lost first of record. this is my code Dim mRow As Integer = 0 Dim newpage As Boolean = True With dgvreciept Dim fmt …

Member Avatar for anoshmilton
Member Avatar for Alamir Rangel
Member Avatar for JoBe

Hello ladies and gents, Chapter 3 exercise 3-1: [quote]Suppose we wish to find the median of a collection of values. Assume that the we have read some values so far, and that we have no idea how many values remain to be read. Prove that we cannot afford to discard …

Member Avatar for Alfonso_4
Member Avatar for Eisya

helo! im an comp engineering student and i need ur help. i have to do a Reminder system using assembly language |-ask user key in input |-clock system |-timer system |-output. thats the basic idea that i have for now. we are using the emulator x86, here the link https://carlosrafaelgn.com.br/Asm86/ …

Member Avatar for Russ_4
Member Avatar for biityy34

size = 10 for i in range(size) : for j in range(size) : if(i == j or size - j == i + 1) : print("* ", end = "") elif(i == size/2 - 1 or j == size/2 -1 or i == size/2 or j == size/2): print(" ", …

Programming java python
Member Avatar for biityy34
Member Avatar for Manggala

I have three tables: First table is 'user': user_id | Name | ---------------------- 1234354 | Abu Bakar | 2543353 | Ali | 3342342 | Aliza | 4234243 | Ali | 5234324 | Mike | Second table is 'meeting': meeting_id | meeting_name | meeting_startDate | meeting_endDate | room_name | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 …

Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Hammed_1

Please am new here and I need you guys help am trying to save a fingerprint template into my database (Sql server) but is not working, this is my code Dim fingerprint as Memory stream = new MemoryStream Template.serializ(fingerprint) fingerprint.position=0 Dim be as BinaryReader = new BinaryReader (fingerprint) Dim bytes() …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for angxlx

how can i rerun the program using 'y' and 'n'?? package com.company; import java.util.Scanner; public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { System.out.print("Enter a number: "); int num = reader.nextInt(); if (num > 0) { String number = (num % …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill

The End.