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Selection sort uses the greedy techique, do all other sorting algorithm follow greedy technique?

Computer Science
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for shaista jabeen

// complete the following code. // Do not use 2-D array, such as int a[2][3]; #include <iostream> #include <stdlib.h> using namespace std; // implement the functions : add, sub, mult, transpose class Matrix { public: Matrix(int row, int col); int GetData(); Matrix Transpose(); int Display(); Matrix Multiply(Matrix b); Matrix Add(Matrix …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for Juan_23
Member Avatar for John_285

i need help on : we sum the balances of all of the Accounts ?? print the total sum. print the owners of all the Accounts that have balances < 100 ? Danny is generous – and wants to deposit 72 into all accounts with balances < 100 How many …

Computer Science java
Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for manasrathore43

Hi, I have created a two player board game url deleted - rule 2.7 Thes problem is that AI is easily beatable. I used heuristics to find best move for the AI. The rules of game are as follows 1) 9 by 9 grid is divided into 9 grids of …

Computer Science career python seo web-design
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Cup of Squirrel

[CENTER][b]YaBasic: The beginners choice[/b][/CENTER] [CENTER][i][SIZE=1]By Michael "Cup of Squirrels" Garwood[/i][/SIZE][/CENTER] So you know how it is, you have some kind of sudden fascination with computers, and want to learn how to program. This could be for a number of reasons: You could be a middle aged man who wants to …

Computer Science
Member Avatar for Ioh
Member Avatar for jkamugisha

// c program to add 10 elements entered by the user #include <stdio.h> int main () { int i; float elements[10]; //declaring the array float sum = 0; for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { printf ("Enter element %d: ", i + 1); //getting the elements from the …

Computer Science c c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for lilindiekid

Write a program that checks the pressure of soda cans coming from a production line using a function. For each soda, the pressure value must be CLOSE to its ideal value. However, due to manufacturing problems the pressure value from can to can. First, the program will read the number …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Xozz

Hello, Today I learned about Deepfake. Virtual faces that look very realistic. What do you think of this? And can you tell me what I should do to deploy this technology? I would like to create an assistant that helps people use a website. Thanks, Leon

Computer Science web-server
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Xoxo_2

Count number of occurrences of a digit with while/do while without using array in c++

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for jeffmylife

# What Are Voronoi Diagrams? # Voronoi Diagrams are an essential visualization to have in your toolbox. The diagram’s structure is a data-driven [tessellation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tessellation) of a plane and may be colored by random or to add additional information. ## Learn the Lingo ## The set of points that generate the …

Computer Science mathematics python
Member Avatar for Smartfitness33
Member Avatar for faarrukhjamal

I tried alot to print this arrow with random generated values which are 0101 , every time it should be differnt, please help me out thanks :) ![Untitled1.png](/attachments/large/4/c843d1e3a2cf1464dc1f1eb7c0d4a68a.png)

Computer Science
Member Avatar for Smartfitness33
Member Avatar for juniorm_28

Hello everyone! I'm working on this C++ program but im kind of lost. I'm using calling fuctions with void and parameters to create this program that is supposed to average a set of 5 scores and dropped the lowest one. It should calculate and display the average of the four …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for juniorm_28

// This program will calculate the highest and the lowest, // variable out of a set of numbers. Also, it is going to give // the sum and the average out of this set. #include <iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; int main() { int number, average, amount, sum; int …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for sky_xxxx4_

I have to make my sample run look like this . I cannot seem to get it right. Sample run Welcome to Vending Machine capable of deep frying twinkies Please insert coin: Enter D or d for Dollar Enter Q or q for Quarer Enter M or m for Dime …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Lucas_13

I'm trying to write a function that will draw a right triangle that will ascend and then descend after the max height is reached. It is to be drawn using the asterisk symbol. I'm fairly new to recursion and that is the primary method I need to use to solve …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for dbfud1988
Member Avatar for Dani

I need some quick regex help with matching the same word twice in a pattern. For example, I'm trying to match on the PHP code: `if (isset($foo) AND $foo)` or `if (isset($bar) AND $bar)` where `$foo` and `$bar` are any valid variable name. However, I don't want to match on …

Computer Science regex
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for madDOGim

I solved a problem some day ago. In that problem you had to format an integer. I found it hard to solve. So here I am sharing my problem with you. Problem: Read an integer variable and print it in which the digits are separated into groups of three by …

Computer Science python
Member Avatar for Koos_1
Member Avatar for Katara1

hey , if i wanna write this code by " while" loop , what the steps to do that ?? #include<iostream.h> char *TESTmarks(char *t){ char marks [] = {'.',';',':','!',',','?'}; char *newm=new char [strlen(t)]; for( int i = 0;i<strlen(t);i++) { for(int k = 0;k<=7 ;k++) { if(t[i] == marks[k]) t[i] = …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jin En

double Node::ConvertChar(char key[]) { double value; value=atof(key); return value; } void Node::ConvertFormula(string formula,int resistor,vector <Resistor> &Res,vector <double> &OpArray){ int Operator=resistor-2; resistor=resistor-1; int length=formula.length(); int j=length-4; double resistance; while(length>0) { char temp[3]; int x=1; for(int i=2;i>=0;i--) { temp[i]=formula[length-x]; x++; } resistance=ConvertChar(temp); Res[resistor].SetResistance(resistance); resistor--; while(j>0) { if(formula[j]=='+') { OpArray[Operator]=-1.0; }else { OpArray[Operator]=-2.0; …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for l1bero

Hi, there! Have a question right here. I've been preparing a project (Periodic table of Elements), so user by clicking on elements can access to another form which showing the element properties. Also, the user can search the element based on name, atomic number, year of discovered, and sign. Don't …

Computer Science c#
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Jin En

I need help with random generation of circuit, i have no idea on how to write c++ program to generate random circuit. The following specifications must met: 1) Total number of resistors in the circuit is between 3 and 8. 2) The circuit network layout is restricted only to the …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt
Member Avatar for Gilbertsilva123

hello everyone iam kinda new with pygame. I wanted to create a one mans game which is similar to shoot and killl. i was able to move around my play but the issue is that whenever i press the K_space nothing is coming out and also i would like when …

Computer Science
Member Avatar for Gilbertsilva123
Member Avatar for Tim_22

I have an issue within my program where it sas the struct I have created is not initialized. Any suggestions? The lab I am working on is Write a program to help a local restaurant automate its breakfast billing system. The program should do the following: Show the customer the …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for tinstaafl
Member Avatar for extr3mex

-Anyone know of any good basic GDB tutorials/resources?

Computer Science
Member Avatar for Max_14
Member Avatar for Abdullah_13

Hello eveyone, I want to write a MARIE code to perform the following program excerpt: If (x < y + z) { x = x – y; z=z+1; } else y=y-1; Instactions given: - Use β€œORG” instruction to start your program at address 200. - The following labels and directives …

Computer Science
Member Avatar for Abdelrhman_2
Member Avatar for Abardean

Hi all I need assistance with the below code snippit. It calculates how many of salaries entered exceeds R100 000 or how many is below. With the below entries the lower count totals to 4 instead of 5. What am I doing wrong? Still new to this so please excude …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Abardean

Hi all I need assistance with the below code snippit. It calculates how many of salaries entered exceeds R100 000 or how many is below. With the below entries the lower count totals to 4 instead of 3. What am I doing wrong? Still new to this so please excude …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Kumar_1975

What is the c program for airline ticket reservation system using file handling?

Computer Science
Member Avatar for Reverend Jim
Member Avatar for Nightocoder201

Hello, I am working a program that starts at a direction and goes to the destination and reverse. I have reversed the list and used a if statement for the switching the directions from R (Right) and L (Left) but it doesnt want to work properly. My question is how …

Computer Science java
Member Avatar for Ilda_1

Hello! Can someone help me with coding in R ? I am new to R and I need to solve this project. It has been so many days I dont find a solution. This is the problem : You are an online movie and concert ticket service. Visitors go to …

Computer Science c++
Member Avatar for rproffitt

The End.