Hello :D I need a good 3d game engine to crate fps games, that can be online. I dont want to do scriptiong but i want to desing evry thing my self. Do you know a good engine ?

i heard udk is great!!! not for a fast game,for a true game:)

also, u can try Unreal Engine. Is nice and easy to use.

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I'd recommend not using the unreal engine to start with because it use 'Unreal script' a different language which is so similar to C++ the little differences frustrate you. I'd like to suggest the irrlicht engine it has a nice community great documentation ( unlike UDK ) and you only need to know c++ to use it. a simple google search will bring up the irrlicht site.

Edit: You said you didnt want to do scripting well the unreal engine ( UDK ) uses unreal script a variation on C++ well its pretty similar I've found. So basically i am promoting irrlicht i made some nice FPS's in irrlicht also online can be written in C++ instead of unreal script which does make it easier as their are more links for making servers and clients in c++ than unreal script.


I'm gonna say jMonkeyEngine. I believe it's the best out there.

Unity3d Engine Love it, use javascript, c# and others but i use just these two ones.

I'd recommend not using the unreal engine to start with because it use 'Unreal script' a different language which is so similar to C++ the little differences frustrate you. I'd like to suggest the irrlicht engine it has a nice community great documentation ( unlike UDK ) and you only need to know c++ to use it. a simple google search will bring up the irrlicht site.

Edit: You said you didnt want to do scripting well the unreal engine ( UDK ) uses unreal script a variation on C++ well its pretty similar I've found. So basically i am promoting irrlicht i made some nice FPS's in irrlicht also online can be written in C++ instead of unreal script which does make it easier as their are more links for making servers and clients in c++ than unreal script.


But the Irrlicth Engine is not so good grafic as Unity 3D or anything like those. Do you know an other game engine? I am trying to licene the CryEngine 3 to my company NGD.

Unity3d Engine Love it, use javascript, c# and others but i use just these two ones.

Do you know a plase where i can learn Pro scripting to unity 3D ????

Member Avatar for nssltd

Sorry i didnt know you were doing this commercially, erm i'd suggest UDK for commercial games as its pretty 'Epic'... No pun intended... If you're willing to have a mess around with it go to UDK's Download Page Please note that this link refers you to the no licensed version. If you want a fully licensed version you need to contact epic games. About Unity 3D i'm not really sure about that but im sure that on the unity home page there'll be some sort of documentation.

Also i'd like to add when contacting epic games you must use a non public email address IE not one like @googlemail.com or @hotmail.com

Anyway that's all i wanted to add


I'm gonna suggest Dark GDK if you're new to game programming. It's really good for solo developers to have total control over the game design, look, and feel without bogging you down with so many details that good quality games these days require.

Seriously, unless you are intimately familiar with game programming, do yourself a favor and start small.

If you want good graphics you can grab OGRE 3D.

I have heard that XNA is good, but do you guys know any good website or books where i can learn XNA ?


If you want to do NO scripting at all then I suggest you try Retribution Engine (http://www.apgardner.karoo.net/retrib/). Graphics are not all that but its a great start. And its free :)


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