2,878 Topics

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Member Avatar for NotNull

I am trying to create an active TSR which prints an 'A' when the ESC key is pressed, it doesn't work. Can anyone tell me what's wrong? [code] bits 16 org 100h jmp init.tsr int1c: push ds push ax push cs pop ds call checkdos2 jc int1c_e cmp byte [hotkey_found], …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for Goalatio

Hey all, I've been working on this little program in NASM 16 bit assembly, under a windows operating system. It works, I just have a problem. If you don't pass it any arguments, it fails to see that there is an end of line character. You pass arguments as.. INKEY …

Member Avatar for Goalatio
Member Avatar for brando|away

yeah i can't find this on google but i understand how to output data using 16bit (with int 21h/ah=02) say im doing some math calculations, how can i output something in a 32bit register (eax, edx...)?

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for runtogetdone

Hi, I do not understand how the x86 processor chooses whether to not to jump for a conditional jump. My professor told me that conditional jumps are based on the OF, ZF, SF, and CF flags, but I do not understand which flags are checked under a given jump instruction... …

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Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello. I have an assignment to make a procedure that will end a task. The manual from the university isn't quite clear about how this works. So mainly i have this problem: How does a procedure end a working task? 1) Does the bios call the procedure ? or, 2) …

Member Avatar for Alex_
Member Avatar for shahab03

I have written a program that multiplies 2 decimals. My multiplication output is fine. However I would like to do multiplication by passing in two parameters via command line. So far e.g. lets say if I just put '3 4' in the command line without the quotes.. nothing happens... however …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for pagis

Hi, Can anyone please tell me how will a C++ function will start in assembly? What will the header look like? is there a conventional first few rows? What about the end of a C++ function? I am very curious about how C++ code really looks like (for example what …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for namour84

hello sorry which method is the correct one we solved a question me and my friend in different methods and we went to our prof he said his method is the correct one and i couldn't get his idea so this one the first one is my way of solution …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Woady

I cant figure out how to translate this code into MIPS. Any help or tips would be helpful. int findMax (int numbers [ ], int count) { int currentMax = -1; if (count > 0) { currentMax= 0; int i = 1; while (i < count) { if (numbers[i] > …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for reedpride

[code] ; For: AT89C4051 @ 11.0592MHz ; Hardware: INTERFACED WITH ADC0831 ; Program goal: CREATE A DIGITAL VOLTAGE METER ; Assembler: M-IDE Studio for MCS-51 ;place all the usual pre code items here (INTERRUPT VECTORS, ETC) CS EQU P3.1 ;CONNECTED TO CS ON ADC0831 CLK EQU P3.0 ;CON TO CLK …

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Member Avatar for shihara

The wheelchair has four wheels, which consist of two rear wheels and two front wheels. The two front wheels are pivot wheel which are set free. There is no actuator which drives both front wheels. Thus, the front wheels can move freely in rotation and straight direction. Therefore, movement of …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for Arctic wolf

Hello everyone. I was wondering if anyone could recomend me a good(and bugless) IDE or text editor I could use with TASM(notepad is not very comfortable for code writting)? Thank you. P.S. I use TASM 5

Member Avatar for cyb3rl0rd1867
Member Avatar for aks229

Can anyone please help me with this assignment. Its due friday and i have no clue how to do. thanks in advance for your help. _____________________________________ Question Design a MIPS assembly language program to implement the multiplication algorithm of the diagram provided in the link below [URL="http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=omz4myzonuq&thumb=5"]http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=omz4myzonuq&thumb=5[/URL] Demo the program …

Member Avatar for Woady
Member Avatar for G_buchCSC

This is my first time looking at anything in Pep 8 machine language and i was wondering if someone could help me understand how to do these problems . I am supposed to find the output for each program. I know the answer for the first one but I don't …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for amrani.ah

since im new here and this is my first post........ i started programming as a freshman (im now a sophmore) with VB, and have since, i and my teachers feel, have mastered that, tought myself C and am pretty accomplished in that language. I am working on the object oriented …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for laguna92651

I am trying to count the number of 1's in a sixteen bit word for MC68HC12. The only way I can think of is to use 16 BITA instructions, one for each bit location, then increment a counter. I suspect there is a more elegant way to do this. Could …

Member Avatar for wildgoose
Member Avatar for NotNull

80X86 Speeding up word memory access. When the address of the first byte of a word lies at an odd address the processor must make two memory fetches for each byte of the word. But if the address of the first byte of the word lies at an even address …

Member Avatar for Evenbit
Member Avatar for amirnova

hi.is there anyone can help me create a program using esa 8086 trainer kits..??the program need me to turn on the fan@LED for 10seconds and turn off it for 5 seconds..

Member Avatar for ithelp
Member Avatar for kevincarroll

Just a quick question, for educational and self debugging purposes, I was wondering if it was possible to read entries from the Global Descriptor Table, for example: [code] GDT db 00,00 GDTaddr db 00,00,00,00 sgdt GDT sub dword ptr[GDTaddr],18 ;2nd Entry mov edi,dword ptr[GDTaddr] mov esi,offset entry mov ecx,8h ;entry …

Member Avatar for mathematician
Member Avatar for RayvenHawk

I have an assignment due for my Assembly class and I have a quick couple of questions regarding it. The requirement is initialize 3 variables as 16bit words with values (10, -60, 30) add those values as the following equation y = var1 + var2 + var3, use no more …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for Alex_

Hello everybody. I'm trying to get the current directory, save it, changing the current dir, then coming back to the previous one. My code so far [code=asm] TITLE ep1_7 .MODEL SMALL .STACK 10h .DATA msg DB 'Current directory:',0h msg_l equ $-msg buff db 64 dup('$') ;f_handle dw 1 dup(?) .CODE …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for shahab03

I need to write a MIPS program will let the user to enter strings one per line representing valid decimal integers in the range 0 to 999999999999. I need to use 64 bits for each integer. and use some method to convert ascii to integer. here is an example that …

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Member Avatar for amw2326

so I am working on an assignment in class, and I've hit a road block. the assignment is to replace certain letters (b, c) with others, (x, y). Right now, my program is not recognizing 'b' in ebx, and the second letter in the array, 'b', (stored in eax) as …

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for dmanw100

Hello, I was just wondering if the hlt instruction would produce a blinking cursor at the command line until enter is pressed or if its use is not noticeable to the user. Google wasn't too helpful for the specifics of the instruction. Thanks!

Member Avatar for NotNull
Member Avatar for shopnobhumi

I am trying to convert some instruction to MIPS code. But have no idea how to do that.. i know c language so i can decode it to C but dont know how to convert it to MIPS. 1.I need to write a main 2. create an array of 10 …

Member Avatar for laguna92651

I am trying to understand how assembly is translated into machine language. I understand how to get the machine coding formats but I'm not sure how to calculate 'rr' in all cases. For the example example bra is 20 rr or 20 03, I know that the relative offset is …

Member Avatar for coni113

I'm writing a function write_unsigned_int to convert a number to its ascii to write to a string buffer. So far I can only get it to write to the string buffer backwards. Should I create a new buffer and then reverse it after, or is there a simpler way to …

Member Avatar for jhouns

Okay, this is an annoying problem i'm making a command line operating system bootable from a floppy disk and the way i'm testing it atm is by inputting a command and outputting it. The reason for this is that i want to know EXACTLY what its doing with the string …

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Member Avatar for zmwg

I'm writing a program that takes input for an an array. It then uses a loop to replace the values in another array that has preset values with the values from the array that received input. When I try to move the values though...well let's say arrayA is the one …

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Member Avatar for wilen

i just want to ask how can i add a another value in this code this is for educational purpose and im not familiar with asm i know java programming but this is far different mov eax,[000003E8+100] crash my system honestly i dont know how to add in asm any …

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The End.