108 Topics

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Member Avatar for amarkevans

I am having a problem in Delphi with the use of multiple monitors. My application consists of a main form, with several different kinds of child forms. If I started running my application (not from Delphi – the executable), and I then enable a second monitor, and then move from …

Member Avatar for Tobie
Member Avatar for aaa801

Hi java coder here im converting a program into delphi for a project basicaly ive forgotten my whole delphi maths soo can anyone convert this into delphi [CODE](l1 & 0x2 ^ 0xffffffff) == -3;[/CODE]

Member Avatar for dausmus
Member Avatar for John_196

I am making a user form in Delphi for documents tracking application. I am interested in functionalities **input new entry (record) **and **view list by... (date, name of document, ID,...).** My problem is that I don't know how to implement these functionalities for more than one user. Currently, I have …

Member Avatar for riahc3

I want to write out a DXF file with line arc and maybe spline. My issue is documentation; While I have looked at AutoCAD's site I feel that there isnt enough to say "here is a BMP of a circle. Lets take it and convert it using this code". Its …

Member Avatar for ez4u2c
Member Avatar for fayyaz

Hi I have writen a web service. this web service has a method that returnes a Table as XML format and I need to use it as a table. how can i use this web service as a table. is any way to convert XML format to Table format Thank …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Qazinix

I am having an issue with my program it should start the msconfig program when the button is pressed but it doesn't start, however when I change the file name to Cleanmgr it starts up perfectly. ShellExecute(handle, 'open', PChar('cleanmgr'), nil, nil, SW_normal); ShellExecute(handle, 'open', PChar('msconfig'), nil, nil, SW_normal); I assumed …

Member Avatar for Qazinix
Member Avatar for Bo_1

If I doubleclick on a DirectoryListBox, Delphi returns the directory above the clicked one. A second doubleclick on the same directory returns the wanted directory. How do I select the intended directory in one doubleclick? In the OnDblClick event I use Dir:=DirectoryListBox1.Directory. What am I doing wrong? Anybody? Regards Bo

Member Avatar for Bo_1
Member Avatar for Simon180

Hello all, I been trying to add a hotkey to my application using the following code below but I have a issue were once added am no longer able to use any other shift commands as it will always call the the press commands so am wondering is there a …

Member Avatar for Simon180

Hello am trying to encrypt my strings in delphi I already encrypted my needed strings in php but am having a little trouble getting the matching string from my delphi test application below is the php code am using to encrypt on website then following code is my delphi app …

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Member Avatar for Mya:)

Im writing a program that keeps track of a bussiness/banks loans and also shows results of the payments recieved and payments not recieved. basicly it's just a program for loans. i need a name and logo for it, any ideas?

Member Avatar for Mya:)
Member Avatar for Michaël

Hello, I have to make an MP3 player that can work on 3 different ways. - You click, it plays, you click again, it pauses - You hold down the mouse, it plays, you release the mouse, it pauses - A timer, you can set up a timer to pause …

Member Avatar for SalmiSoft
Member Avatar for glubbish

I have a backup program that used to work reasonably well. It used copyfileex to copy files from one unix machine to another. Recently it has been maxing out at about 5Mb/s So I changed to SHFileOperation and found it averages about 80Mb/s This is using delphi 7 on windows …

Member Avatar for Duoas
Member Avatar for Mya:)

I have a project in wich i have to create a program making usae of geotechnology. My program revolves around pilots, paragliders and airbaloons. Basicly it has 3 seperate programs for each category and solves some of the difficulties that come along with it. Any idead for a name and …

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Member Avatar for Mya:)
Member Avatar for Matt_13
Member Avatar for Mya:)

When the user's mouse pointer touch a button I want a message to appear telling the user what that button's function is. Wich function do I use? Thanks

Member Avatar for Mya:)
Member Avatar for Mya:)

Hey Guys! I want some idea for a program i can write on Delphi. My brain is drained out :/.... Just something to do in my free time. Thanks!

Member Avatar for Mya:)
Member Avatar for Mya:)

I have to do a project on geotechs, and I need at least 3 forms, but how do you make it go from one form to another?

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Member Avatar for schroaus
Member Avatar for MasterHacker110

I have searched everywhere for Borland Delphi 7 but I cant find it anywhere. I used it a while ago when I got it as part of my programmer courses but I lost all the data on my harddrive. I have looked on Borlands main website but I was unable …

Member Avatar for dausmus
Member Avatar for schroaus

I have recently started programming in delphi, after programming in VB. Does anyone know if there is anything similar to vbtab in delphi? If not is there anyway that I can create a constant that works similar to vbtab?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Fireprufe15

I'm trying to make a program that saves images in a database. I've pulled together some info on the net and wrote up code that I think is supposed to work, but fails in a completely unique way on either side (the saving and the loading). Here's my code, could …

Member Avatar for Hemo2013
Member Avatar for riki.kavadarci

Hi Does anyone know how to use it? I mean FastMM in Delphi. Or any code to work with memory leaks. Clear memory when application run or stuff like that. My exe (application )growing used memory when work and open forms, click button, read from database etc. thank you

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for OASys1

Greetings Friends ! How do I do incremental Builds in Delphi...? I have both the Delphi 7 and Delphi XE2... I have never really incrementally built my apps... pardon my ignorance... but i have taken on a project on a piece of software where the manager wants the build done …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Blousey17

This procedure is called just before the answer is written to a binary file to ensure it is in the correct format. It works but I need it to repeat until it is an integer. I was trying to use a 'repeat','until' but wasnt sure what the 'until' condition woudld …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Niatia

Hi, I'm a bit of a newbie to Pascal and I'm trying to create a simple program to convert binary numbers to decimal, I'm unsure of how I can disallow an input that is not binary, this is my code: var Validation : boolean; Binary, Number : String; Decimal, index, …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for DatSik

Hello all, I once had a program (.exe) that was a delphi tutorial, you could click an option and it would show you what it did and tell you how to do it.. i lost it in a format and im unable to locate it!, could someone point me in …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for hanzo2001

Hello I have been trying to get past certein exercises in Pascal but for some reason I always run into problems that I don't understand. I have the following (synthesized) TYPE Triangle = RECORD x, y, z : word; END; Triangles = ARRAY OF Triangle; {more code} TriangleSize : integer …

Member Avatar for hanzo2001
Member Avatar for MikalT

I am trying to open an instance of Excel 2007 and load some text into a new file's cells (such as a list of something) through my Delphi4 program. I have already tried the ShellExecute and ComObj (variant) methods. ShellExecute works fine on the Windows XP platform, but not on …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cmicolis

In other threads I read that Delphi is not prepared, as a net for today, but the comparison was made on VCL in Delphi 7. Actually, the latest version of Delphi and its library is XE3 is FireMonkey I had seen the comparisons between C # and Delphi. I try …

Member Avatar for trashed

Hi all. I have a radio group with a bunch of possible selections. User has to select one of the options in order to go on. Is there any faster way than a for loop iterating through the single buttons to verify one has been checked? Thanks

Member Avatar for DelphiGuy

The End.