14,054 Topics

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Member Avatar for VenusCrystal

hello friends... I'm new to jquery and as well as to daniweb :P I'm learning jquery from 3 days using online tutorials... I am given a task by my guide... For which i want to know why is it that the jquery carousel on the page [B][url]http://web.enavu.com/demos/3dcarouselwip/[/url][/B] works in firefox …

Member Avatar for VenusCrystal
Member Avatar for mutawari

hello dear all, need some advice and help here.PLEASE HELP.. i use jsp page to input same value to mysql table. i have several tables inputed the same way(use jsp). Then, i show this table with jsp page (this is the same data i inputed to mysql tables).i named it …

Member Avatar for Dark_Omen

Hello, Does anyone know how to submit forms from one page to another page? If you don' mind can someone explain how, or if they know a good tutorial, either of these would be great. Can this be done in javascript? Thanks

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I'm trying to create a list of categories and have a link with "more categories" and when a user clicks on it, a div table pop up will show. So far I've hidden a div tag and had it show and close if a user clicks on the link. …

Member Avatar for almostbob
Member Avatar for Farree123

I am trying to Add rows to my table through DOM. I have two drop downs and one text field in one row. One drop down is populated from database and when the second drop down is populated through Ajax. As far as one row is concerned it is doing …

Member Avatar for faizza007

hi, I am a newbie in programming...recently i have developed a very simple (probably too simple!!!) javascript code that trims strings and shows animation....the code should be self explanatory....and i have included comments in the snippet so everyone understands what i did....any comments appreciated....just save the txt file as .html …

Member Avatar for faizza007
Member Avatar for keeda

I have a Newsletter, with a "Forward to a Friend" link, this link is to a form that takes names and email addresses of 5 friends and has a Send Email button. How can I implement the Send Email part, as of now I just have the form.

Member Avatar for Taywin
Member Avatar for ALFA-FOXTROT

Hi guys need some help here. I don't know why but it doesn't read the value. This is to be runned by Property. [CODE] function calculate_form_opap(op_id,oca_id,ocp_id) { var propertiesintotal=0; var total=0; var completo=''; var completo_count = op_id+'_'+oca_id; propertiesintotal = Number(document.getElementById('propertiesintotal_'+op_id+'_'+oca_id).value); propertiesintotal=propertiesintotal-1; for (y=0; y<=propertiesintotal; y++){ completo=op_id+'_'+oca_id+'_'+ocp_id+'_'+y; alert(completo); //valor = document.getElementById('property_total_'+completo).value; …

Member Avatar for ALFA-FOXTROT
Member Avatar for JimBoCol

bHi all. I am, using Java for drop down menus, code follows. What I have not yet been able to figure out is how to make java display the page I select in a different frame. This is what is in the <HEAD> of one of my Pages. [CODE] <SCRIPT …

Member Avatar for JimBoCol
Member Avatar for pokuripavani

how to store pictures in database using oracle??Is there any special data type???

Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i had a php page.i am using ajax for displaying a table. When i select a date images uploaded on that date gets displayed in a table.This is working fine.But i need another button for edit.so when i click on edit those images present in table should become …

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for pchsmvp

i want to loop the form, so that there would be a multiple select boxes.. the first loop of select box has still its value, but the remaining loops has an empty value for select box.. [IMG]http://i5.photobucket.com/albums/y174/dikoalam/example.png[/IMG] here is the code.. [CODE]<form action="" method="post" name="formx"> <select name='eecollege2' id='college' onChange="selected(this.selectedIndex)"> echo …

Member Avatar for pchsmvp
Member Avatar for flyenig

How can i get a jquery auto suggest list of all the cities in the world. (I know how to do the auto suggest already so please dont give me tutorials on how to do so, Thanks) Is there a web service i can use? Can i use googleā€™s map …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for wardensmat08

Hi. Can anyone help solve my problem. I'm stuck already and still can't find solutin although have search in google many times. I want develop a simple firefix addon. This is my first addon.. It was use javascript. I want to read a content from other web. In php, I …

Member Avatar for ekseks

cna anyone tell me how to use the Select = "selected" option for a simple dropdown. for example when someone chooses c it will have a code like <option selected="">c</option> (am I doing it right, well if you got a firebug some site with dropdowns offers that option) so can …

Member Avatar for ekseks
Member Avatar for sharonig

Hi, Did anyone implement or can direct me to an implementation of virtual mode (render only visible rows, but still have the scroll work right) or something similar in the AJAX Sys.Preview.UI.Data.ListView? I need to display a very large table (`1000 rows) and it simply isn't feasible to render everything. …

Member Avatar for scrappedcola
Member Avatar for turpentyne

I'm new to javascript and such. I'm looking to create a page with several javascript dropdowns that onmouseover set an image on the page, and onclick set their respective hidden form field, to be used in searching a database. Can this be done by re-purposing of the many javascript menus …

Member Avatar for nevergone

Hello, I want this function to be assigned to a variable but I cant get it working. I would like something like this to work so that I could perform another tricks on the result.Currentyl it returns 'undefined' data [CODE] var decodedmsg = decode('agaj80494agh942h8g0'); [/CODE] [CODE] var retdata; function decode(s){ …

Member Avatar for jingo1126

hello guys? i was recently studying how ajax work, problem is i followed some codes on the net and check if they work..they work on the site,but the time i tested those codes it wont work anymore..any ideas?ive tested js and it works on my browser... [code] <html> <head> <script …

Member Avatar for jingo1126
Member Avatar for technopup

Can anyone help? I want to execute a function depending on what select dropdown is chosen. The select name is dynamic so I need it to happen in one function loop For e.g. The following function works and returns the correct class but its not going to work for my …

Member Avatar for technopup
Member Avatar for dlnicholas1

I am desperately trying to figure out HOW to add tracking code to my rotating banner. I have random "onload", rotating banner ads on my website. The script works like a charm and will randomly load a banner ad when you go to the site and will continue rotating the …

Member Avatar for dlnicholas1
Member Avatar for ahmksssv

Hi frnds.... i need Javascript Validations...these validations by using [B]onchange or onblur[/B] events..i mean when focus out from a textbox or any field then immediatley shows the error msg and focus will be at error field(not after submitting the form)..i want error immediatley focus out from the field...plz provide 4 …

Member Avatar for Sam_john_2010
Member Avatar for VenusCrystal

Hello everyone... I'm learning jquery from 3 days using online tutorial.. Can anyone tell me why is it that the carousel on page [B][url]http://web.enavu.com/demos/3dcarouselwip/[/url][/B] works on firefox and chrome but not in IE?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for srdva59

hi, i need creat some elements for example textfield and a combolist using dom. what i find so far was very complex examples that donĀ“t do what i need that is only creat a text field and a combolist with custum values inside. any one can help me? thanks a …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm having serious issues trying to get [URL="http://cherne.net/brian/resources/jquery.hoverIntent.html"]Hoverintent[/URL] and Mootools 1.2.4 working together. I've tried using the [URL="http://api.jquery.com/jQuery.noConflict/"]noConflict code[/URL] from jQuery's website but it still won't work. How and what must I modify in Hoverintent to get it to work with Mootools?

Member Avatar for azegurb

hi all, i have a code that add dynamic row and it has an option that it allow to delete rows by checking checkboxes. can anyone help me to check all checkoboxes at here is my code [CODE]<HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Add/Remove dynamic rows in HTML table </TITLE> <SCRIPT language="javascript"> function …

Member Avatar for lambing
Member Avatar for EverWebby

Maybe someone can figure this out because I sure have been having problems with it. I am looking to have a javascript that can be included a page that can highlight or set a border for a the div, p, span, or img DOM element when clicked on. Now this …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for tommytom70

I'm really new to javascript how do I make it that when I click a button a number on my page in the <p> tag with the Id of num gets 1 added to it so it i like 2,3,4,5 each time I click

Member Avatar for tommytom70
Member Avatar for sharonig

Hi, Where can I get the DataPager (js) code? I'm not using .net 3.5, but would like to take a look at the implementation. Thanks, Sharon

Member Avatar for niche1

[url]http://www.lincolnsrealdeals.com/loc2f.php[/url] produces three javascript errors: Line 49, Column 27: character ";" not allowed in attribute specification list Line 49, Column 27: element "innerdivs.length" undefined Line 54, Column 9: end tag for "innerdivs.length" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified What are the errors really saying?

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The End.