1,694 Topics

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Member Avatar for eggmatters

I posted this on Oracle Forums to the sound of crickets chirping. This question entails more Oracle specific tasks then java but since my code is in java, here goes" Hello, I have a java package where I am attempting to implement a database Change notification registration and listener. I …

Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi, I’m going to calculate a ratio between two entities but are having some trouble with the query. The principal is the same to, say a forum, where you say: A user gets points for every new thread. Then, calculate the ratio of points for the number of threads. Example: …

Member Avatar for svmvishnu
Member Avatar for Ycefire

Hi there, I'm a beginner in ASP.NET with VB and I'm stuck on problem with a SQL query. I'd like to ask you for advice what does my page or config file miss. thats how my form looks like [CODE] <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 180px;"> <asp:Label …

Member Avatar for Ycefire
Member Avatar for cndnbcn

So, I've been trying to get a page to update items in an MS SQL database forever now, trying different methods here and there having nothing working. I finally got one method to work using a datagrid thing, and it's fine for the test table I'm using. But when it …

Member Avatar for bharatk

Hello I have a rails application where I have to subtract 2 time stamps and display the result on the webpage I have used the following sql statement and I am getting the results. [CODE]select (julianday(resolutions.created_at)-julianday(tickets.created_at))*24 from tickets,resolutions[/CODE] the value of tickets.created_at is 2010-04-05 18:59:02 which is a time stamp …

Member Avatar for bharatk
Member Avatar for baso10

Hello, can you help me convert MS SQL DateTime to miliseconds since 1970? Thanks, Domen

Member Avatar for baso10
Member Avatar for prisonbreaker82

Dear all, I am very new at SQL programming and are using the Microsoft Query to avoid alot of SQL programming, but I am stuck on one thing when I try to filter some data from the database... I want to show all delayed deliveries to our customers... Our Policy …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for Mestika

Hi everyone, I’m having some difficulties with a query which purpose is to give users with more than one thread (called CS) in current year a 5% point “raise”. My relational schema looks like this: Thread = ([B]threadid[/B], threadname, threadLocation) threadoffering = (threadid, season, year, user) user = ([B]name[/B], points) …

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for ishan5inku

I am developing a website in ASP.net 3.5 where there is a very big database. I have to show data on one single page dynamically changing from the database and that database will contain data of about 4000 pages having text and images. With formatting tags and lot of tags, …

Member Avatar for kvprajapati
Member Avatar for agr8lemon

Hello everyone, I'm not sure the title fits my question, but I didn't know how to word it correctly. Here is my question. I'm working on a forum that pulls data from a SQL database via PHP. It's data on employee data (name, job title, what programs they have access …

Member Avatar for agr8lemon
Member Avatar for jonathanroy

Hi everyone and thank you for helping me... again :icon_neutral: I am trying to perform a MATCH AGAINST sql query on one of my table called "what". [ICODE]id (int 11) PRIMARY org-id (int 11) keyword (varchar 100) FULLTEXT bid (DECIMAL 4,2)[/ICODE] I want to perform a search on the column …

Member Avatar for jonathanroy
Member Avatar for moone009

I have been trying to inset an excel spreadsheet into oracle. I can import everything fine but whenever I need to import dates it does not work. is there a special formatting I need to do with excel? I have tried every step that I can possibly think of. whenever …

Member Avatar for debasisdas
Member Avatar for BigPandaCake

What I'm working on is a video rental project in visual basic 2008. I have a local database which contains info on DVDs, Members and a table for current rentals. [B]The columns i have in the current rentals table are:[/B] MemberID | DVDID | DaysOnRent | DateRented | DueDate | …

Member Avatar for BigPandaCake
Member Avatar for jonathanroy

Hi, I am looking for the best solution to my situation: - I have businesses listed in a MySQL table. - Each business can bid on up to 10 keywords (different prices for different keywords). A user inputs a keyword and then I must find a way to query my …

Member Avatar for hashinclude
Member Avatar for sniigg

Hi, In my database table I have a column which has all the properties of a class. And While reading from the table I need to get the values of the properties.I have to get the value on a label.But obviously [code] lblTest.Text=reader["Description"].ToString(); [/code] wont work. As I need to …

Member Avatar for sniigg
Member Avatar for pepsy11

Hello.. I am making a program where i use an sql database to storage user information, but i cant figure out how to add a new record that actually stays in the database, i have found some different codes but they only add the record "locally", so when i close …

Member Avatar for amitshrivas
Member Avatar for bluem1

Team - Could someone please tell me I haven't lost my mind? I have done relationships in the past but now they don't seem to work. Have I gone dumb? Creating a winform, using VS2008, sqlexpress & vb.net. My dataset looks like this: -------------------------------------------- Table 1 - BranchInformation BranchID - …

Member Avatar for bluem1
Member Avatar for Barrett1

I need to display all the comments from the comments database table where the $msg_id_fk = $msg_id from the messages table and I need it in a while loop [CODE] $comment_results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE msg_id_fk='$msg_id' ORDER BY com_id ASC"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($comment_results)){ $msg_id_fk=$row['msg_id_fk']; $comment=$row['comment']; } $message_results …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Exploded Fiber

Hey all, Im creating a voting website using PHP & SQL. Im planning on using a single table to store votes. Something like this. -- Voter_ID -- Candidate A-- Candidate B -- Candidate C -- ### --- 1 --- 2 --- 3 ### --- 1 --- 3 --- 2 ### …

Member Avatar for fabio533

I Got 2 tables: 'Standby' and 'Usage' [COLOR="Red"]Standby[/COLOR] Table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (equipment id); [COLOR="Red"]Area [/COLOR](physical location); [COLOR="Red"]Stock1[/COLOR] (Nº Total of equipments); [COLOR="Red"]Usage[/COLOR] table got this fields: [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Used[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is taken from Standby); [COLOR="Red"]Quant_Received[/COLOR] (The times that the equipement is restored to Standby); [COLOR="Red"]PartNº[/COLOR] (foreign …

Member Avatar for navaidstech

Just when I thought I was comfortable with SQL queries, another one popped up that I can't get around with.... I'm ALMOST there but not quite. Here is the situation... I'm dealing with two tables [B]PoolTeams[/B] and [B]PlayerStats[/B] The PoolTeams table has two columns: [B]PoolTeamID[/B] and [B]TeamName[/B] The PlayerStats table …

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Member Avatar for stabatron5000

I have a table in Access with multiple foreign key fields. I would like to populate this table from Excel with SQL. Hardcoding values works fine: [CODE]INSERT INTO Table ( Field1, Field2,...) VALUES (x,y,...)[/CODE] Nesting SELECT statements like this fails: [CODE]INSERT INTO Table ( Field1, Field2,...) VALUES ( (SELECT f_key_x …

Member Avatar for Blaine Tuisee

I am writting a query in SQL Developer. I have a field in the table that holds a timezone. I need to set the query to use that timezone. Any ideas? Here's the query I have so far: [CODE]select to_char(dateoftransport, 'MM-DD-YYYY') as "Date", dispatch_id as "Dispatch, vehicletype as "Dispatch Type" …

Member Avatar for pedroteixeira07

Hi Everyone, I'm having some issues in the construction of an algorithm for a project. This is just a fraction of the algorithm and my problem is this: I'm trying to build a PHP function that gets the values of the first and second rows of a table and subtract …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for pavithraCS

Hi, Currently I have two colomns as frm_date and to_date. I need to display two dates in a one column as frm_date - to_date. eg: 2007-01-01 - 2009-01-01. Is there any functon to do this? Thanks in advance!!

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for princekool

Hi guys; I have a table of books in my DB and each page has a different serial no following each other eg. Page 9 has serial 005065 and 10 has 005066. In my table it only gives me a range of serials as per the book, this is how …

Member Avatar for apegram
Member Avatar for jasystweb

I'm not quite sure how to do this join: Table1: Products -------------------------- Prod_ID | Prod_Name | etc Table2: Images --------------------------- IMG_ID | Prod Name | Prod_ID | [CODE] Select Prod_ID, Count(i_Prod_ID) from tblImages right join tblProducts on tblProducts.Prod_ID = tblImage.i_Prod_ID [/CODE] Does not produce what I need..... The desired end …

Member Avatar for jasystweb
Member Avatar for drewpee

Hi. I've made a record on a table which would be used as a comparison to other records in the table. for example.. table: recordID 100001,Company Name recordDI 999999,Company Name i want to compare record 1000001's Company Name with record 9999999's Company name. How do I do that? thanks!

Member Avatar for vb5prgrmr
Member Avatar for picaz

I am trying to get 'SERVERPROPERTY ('edition') using ADODB. I have a connection to a database but I keep getting Error 80040e14 and unexpected token SERVERPROPERTY was found following BEGIN-OF-STATEMENT. Any ideas how to fix this. Thanks Joey

Member Avatar for drewpee

Im trying to create a report that only includes records that was created between to [B]Date Variables[/B], [B]dateTo[/B] and [B]dateFrom[/B]. There are three combo boxes used to get the values for the two dates. Here's the code I didn't include the select case for the month(in string) to be converted …

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The End.