I am ASP.NET Programmer.I am new to smartcard.I have acr120 contactless smartcard reader.I want read smartcard using C# or vb.net .Can anybody help me.
Advance Thanks..
NaveenBabu R.R.

can u tell me any other contactless smart card can support C#.net.

Go ask the manufacturer of the reader you just bought. Part of the price you paid is for this kind of support question.

We're not your free help service for this type of question.

Salem you are really unfriendly.. you goa sk yourself next time you need help ......

and I am being polite here.... give me your personal email address and I'llt ell you in ITALIAN and then trsanslated in ENGLISH what i think of your answer

We're not your free help service for this type of question.

tell the thruth... YOU DO NOT KNOW THE AMNSWER

tell the thruth... YOU DO NOT KNOW THE AMNSWER

He never said he DID. HE gave you good advice to talk to the manufacturer of the smartcard, because they know best.

and I am being polite here....

oh yeah?

give me your personal email address and I'llt ell you in ITALIAN and then trsanslated in ENGLISH what i think of your answer

Doesn't sound that polite to me. If someone says something like that to me when I am working at the Bar, the probability that that person would fly out like Superman on a bad day would be rather big.

Just browse through the links Salem gave you. The answer will be amongst them.

> tell the thruth... YOU DO NOT KNOW THE AMNSWER
True, but I do have a damn good idea how to find out the answer if I was motivated enough and interested in smart card readers at the time.

What I have absolutely no interest in whatsoever is spending hours of MY free time doing the research just to spoon-feed it to some bone-head who is incapable of doing even the basic ground-work for themselves.

> and I am being polite here
Oh, and why are you hijacking someone else's thread just to have a go at me? If you've got something useful to add, then add it. Don't just carp on about how unfare you think the world is, oh master of the useless bump.

> Salem you are really unfriendly
I thought my post was short and to the point.
Chocolate covered with sugar frosting is extra.

The fact of the matter is, the manufacturer's of whatever "foo" card or device are in the best position to provide you with all the information you could ever need.

Joining a random tech forum and announcing that you "have a foo card" and need some (meaning a hell of a lot of) help isn't going to go down very well.

Anyway, I've wasted way too much time on you, time to go find someone who's actually capable of asking a question which is to the point.

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