hello every body;)
I need help :confused:

I am in the final year CS,and I have to choose graduation project , but I am so confused , I don't know how .
If you know any web sites or ideas that will help me , please give it to me.

In anything
*web development
*mobile techniques
*pc applications


PS: I would recommend you read forum rules as with your post you asking for warning/infraction in regards of font colour as "Avoid using an excessive amount of [bbcode] to alter font styles or to draw more attention to your post."

commented: Considering he's the OP and considering that people clicked on the thread link, there's nothing wrong with redundantly drawing attention to his post. +0

If I made mistake am sorry and it will not be repeated again .
but can any one help me?

Don't listen to him, his complaint is logically inconsistent with the fact that you made this thread and using colors isn't going to draw extra attention to the first post of the thread.

Don't listen to him, his complaint is logically inconsistent with the fact that you made this thread and using colors isn't going to draw extra attention to the first post of the thread.

"His complaint" is:

I would recommend you read forum rules as with your post you asking for warning/infraction in regards of font colour as

This is a quote from the member rules

Avoid using an excessive amount of [bbcode] to alter font styles or to draw more attention to your post

So your complaint that his complaint is logically inconsistent is .. well .. logically inconsistent. I think you need to take that up with Daniweb admins and have them rewrite the rules. I'm going out on a limb here but I doubt peter wrote the rules.

Peter asked someone to abide by forum rules. What is so wrong with that?

How about developing a networks with sensors which can monitor a crowded place for explosives ,etc .

Wow. Do you live in the middle east by chance?

MY name is Jane and have completed a Diploma course in Information Technology and have not found a job yet. Do you offer jobs please?

Could u explain more please?

Could u explain more?

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