hey everyone, I was just about to register for school and I really don't know which path in IT I should go... I would like to work in Indianapolis and I have superior problem solving and math skills. I am looking for suggestions for which path in IT I should take. I want to make a ton of money and I want local job opportunities. Anyone think they can give me some guidance?

Everyone "wants to make tons of money"...but realize that takes time and you have to be able to set yourself apart from your peers.

One reason I still love programming is I LOVE problem solving. Math was always my best subject in high school and college and I could have easily been a mathematician, but that isn't where my interest lied. Once I started programming, I knew that was it. You will always have new problems to solve and just when you feel you've gotten into a routine; you challenge yourself to learn a new language or learn the language you're working with better. So, if you like problem solving...i recommend programming.

Hmm, for me...there are 4 category for ICT path.

1. Network / System Engineer ( you need extra paper, Cisco and Microsoft cert. etc)

2. Software Engineer / Programmer (don't really need a cert, good memory, problem solution etc)

3. Business Analyst / System Analyst ( need Oracle and SAP cert, sort of)

4. Web Developer (don't actually need any cert, can learn all tutorial from website, sort of)

I'm not sure Indianapolis market demand. Well, for me, we need every field in order to make a perfect team !

Try to expose to all field before you declare your major.

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