
After reading many posts from this forum about submitting to social bookmarking sites. I got some knowledge about whether to submit to any specific social bookmarking site or not. My concept may be wrong so I do need your advice on this.

For example:
1. mixx.com/
2. digg.com/

They are good because they let you to submit your blog directly. After submiting my new article to these sites, I can see my links are indexed on Google just a few days.

The other types of social bookmarking sites that make you to download or install, add favorites such as:
1. bloglines.com/
2. squidoo.com/

Many people recommend them but I do not see them to be useful when I submit my blogging articles. Or, I may not have a thourough knowledge of how to use them.

Any idea is appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

It is cool to hear your experience about social bookmarkings, Do you have a list of Social bookmarking site?
Having more bookmarks on a site or having one bookmark on various sites helps a lot?? which would be better way guys? any ideas???

hey guys,

want to inform you that smo need only when your blog is not indexing.. otherwise you just use rss submission of your blog and ping regularly..

Social bookmarking is really a good way to boost site traffic. But it's kinda short-term. At the end of the day, you still need to focus on building organic, quality links for your site to gain good ranking in google.

StumbleUpon is also a great Social Network

social bookmarking service is cool enough that will bring many visitors from goog and yahoo search engines

Now digg is no follow, i think you can submit it to all of the bookmark sites,you know the do follow site could take traffic and backlinks to you,and the no follow sites could take traffic to you,but at first,you need have a good content.


After reading many posts from this forum about submitting to social bookmarking sites. I got some knowledge about whether to submit to any specific social bookmarking site or not. My concept may be wrong so I do need your advice on this.

For example:
1. mixx.com/
2. digg.com/

They are good because they let you to submit your blog directly. After submiting my new article to these sites, I can see my links are indexed on Google just a few days.

The other types of social bookmarking sites that make you to download or install, add favorites such as:
1. bloglines.com/
2. squidoo.com/

Many people recommend them but I do not see them to be useful when I submit my blogging articles. Or, I may not have a thourough knowledge of how to use them.

Any idea is appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

Here I m giving Some Social Bookmark lists . it has good PR and Do follow Websites

http://slashdot.org (PR9)
http://digg.com (PR8)
http://technorati.com (PR8) (Only Blogs)
http://www.furl.net (PR7)
http://www.backflip.com (PR7)
http://www.hugg.com (PR7)
http://www.mixx.com (PR7)
http://ma.gnolia.com (PR7)
http://www.connotea.org (PR7)
http://mystuff.ask.com (PR7)
http://www.reddit.com (PR7)
http://www.dzone.com (PR7)
http://www.folkd.com (PR7)
http://multiply.com (PR7)
http://www.searchles.com (PR6)
http://de.lirio.us (PR6)
http://www.dotnetkicks.com (PR6)
http://www.bloghop.com (PR6)
http://www.plime.com (PR6)
http://www.bibsonomy.org (PR6)
http://www.clipclip.org (PR6)
http://linkagogo.com (PR6)
http://www.spurl.net (PR6)
http://www.zlitt.com (PR6)
http://www.indianpad.com (PR6)


After reading many posts from this forum about submitting to social bookmarking sites. I got some knowledge about whether to submit to any specific social bookmarking site or not. My concept may be wrong so I do need your advice on this.

For example:
1. mixx.com/
2. digg.com/

They are good because they let you to submit your blog directly. After submiting my new article to these sites, I can see my links are indexed on Google just a few days.

The other types of social bookmarking sites that make you to download or install, add favorites such as:
1. bloglines.com/
2. squidoo.com/

Many people recommend them but I do not see them to be useful when I submit my blogging articles. Or, I may not have a thourough knowledge of how to use them.

Any idea is appreciated.

Thanks for reading.

I think that you are a bit of confused...smo is about the getting traffic (as a mainstream) and a less about getting backlink...

As you ask about squidoo you can create a mirror of your site (lens)
in the squido and connect to other real person with the help of squidoo page...

so in short you will get real traffic and with the smo...

I think squidoo is getting more popular now and when you submit your lens there, it gets pushed back because others are also submitting their lenses.

Social Bookmarking List

I would like to Share about list of Social Bookmarking Site...

Join this list... Hope it will be Usefull and complete your collection of social Bookmarking site :-)

1. TagQu.com (recommended)
2. reddit.com (recommended)
3. sphinn.com (recommended)
4. propeller.com
5. fark.com
6. slashdot.org
7. metafilter.com
8. bloggingzoom.com
9. mixx.com
10. shoutwire.com (recommended)
11. newscloud.com
12. hugg.com
13. plime.com
14. saerchles.com
15. linkinn.com
16. earthfrisk.com
17. stumbleupon.com (recommended)
18. Digg.com
19. hypediss.com
20. iliketotallyloveit.com
21. scribd.com
22. hubpages.com
23. youtube.com
24. gather.com
25. flickr.com
26. flixya.com(video submitter)
27. hubspot.com
28. wordsy.com
29. squidoo.com (recommended)
30. bloggerparty.com
31. stirrdup.com
32. xomba.com
33. metacafe.com(video submitter)
34. technorati.com
35. helium.com
36. marktd.com
37. kirtsy.com
38. dealigg.com(jual barang)
39. socialmarker.com
40. mysitevote.com
41. myspace.com
42. Furl.net
43. FaceBook.com
44. MSN
45. simpy.com
46. Diigo.com
47. spurl.com
48. Mister-wong
49. Backflip.com
50. seganlo
51. twitter.com
52. aol.com
53. multiply
54. faves.com
55. linkagogo.com
56. ma.gnolia.com
57. delicious
58. linkedin
59. stylehive
60. yardbarker.com
61. ballhype.com
62. netvibes.com
63. newsvine.com
64. Kaboodle.com
65. nujij.nl
66. thisnext.com
67. Aim.com
68. tumblr.com

Thank u :-)

commented: Spamming the forums +0

Although social bookmarking has a lot of advantages to offer the different Internet users who subscribe to such a tool, it is not without its share of disadvantages as well.

One draw back with this tag-based system is that there are no standards set for the keywords, controlled terms and vocabulary used.

This can create a problem, especially since the tag-based system relies on people, and not on any program created in the Internet.

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