The Web is potentially a terrific place to get information on almost any topic.It's important to give some thought to your search strategy.If you're more interested in broad, general information, the first place to go is to a Web Directory. If you're after narrow, specific information, a Web search engine is probably a better choice.Enlisted here are a couple of strategies that are basically required to conduct a search on major Search engines.

1)Searching by Means of Subject Directories:If you are clear about the topic of your query, start with a Web directory rather than a search engine. Directories probably won't give you anywhere near as many references as a search engine will, but they are more likely to be on topic.Web directories usually come equipped with their own keyword search engines that allow you to search through their indices for the information you need.

2)Searching by Means of Search Engines:This is where things start to get complicated.Search engines are trickier than they look!If you understand how search engines organize information and run queries, you can maximize your chances of getting hits on URLs that matter.
And the last but not the least important things.Be specific in your search.Use proper keywords and meta tags.

I thought you were writing about how to search then you throw in something about meta tags at the end of it. I have a question: What is your article about?

What is your article about?

After checking copyscape I see its about copy and paste.

After checking copyscape I see its about copy and paste.

There's just so much of it (replicated content) that it becomes difficult to have conversations with people, actual people who write stuff that may need steering in the right direction in order to become better optimizers. It all went nuts when Google stopped letting people have no content on their webpages except their ads. The minute they dictated that a webpage must have its own unique content and that they'd start penalizing for lack of content, heaven forbid on the monetized ad pages especially, the world went nuts trying to find innovative ways to create unique intelligent content and link mad. PR friekin' insane. To the extent some are going to generate links is absolutely unreal. Ads everywhere now, everybody making a nickel and dime here and there, and more at who's expense? The poor unsuspective small business web site owner mostly from North america and Europe paying into the farce and who's making the money?

Sorry about the rant. Here's a guy who's obviously at his limits again with all the spamming and the middlemen who so freely move his money around without transparency.

Great rant CanadaFred. Made my Monday morning a bit more tolerable. I agree completely.

I thought you were writing about how to search then you throw in something about meta tags at the end of it. I have a question: What is your article about?

i got the same feeling
but I had thought it is abt the SEO tactics

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