I have few website but i want to know how to display my website on top most results in the Search Engine Results specially in Google, bing, Yahoo etc.

Waiting for experts responses.

How much time and money are you ready to spend ?

SEO is the simple answer for your question and there has been lot of info on SEO already in this forum. So i suggest you to search that and apply that into action.

Everyone want their sites to be showed on top of SERP but the only key might be right SEO strategy with hard working. :)

First choose your keywords & use them in your site title page,post title & in the posts.Make sure that the keyword density should be between 4-6%.Try to get good quality backlinks from other reputed sites of same niches.

Here's an Ethical (White Hat) Six Step SEO Strategy

Craft indisputably unique optimized content.

Work the optimizable web page components.

Emphasize and support keyphrases.

Develop a powerful internal linking structure.

Support the web site off-site ranking factors with a corporate blog or sister web site whose functions are beyond and complimentary to the main web site theme (web site theme refers to the collection of primary, secondary and auxiliary keyphrases).

Use logical naming conventions for images and webpages.

To emphasize one of the most important aspects that Fred mentioned...content, content, content!

Using SEO Strategy and proper link building will result to good rankings in the three major Search engines.

I have few website but i want to know how to display my website on top most results in the Search Engine Results specially in Google, bing, Yahoo etc.

SEO will help you! Its what we call the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic of a website on search engines on targeted keywords. Just make sure to do On-Page first (title tags, meta tags, description, alt tags, keywords and h1/h2 tags) first then next is Off-Page Optimization (blog commenting, forum posting, classified ads, etc.).

Great and very useful information you have been posting here. I have been trying to get some help with getting my 2 websites indexed (http://www.thepolishbaker.co.uk and http://www.rudakiewicz.co.uk).

Have been trying different trick including the above one but still no luck:(.
I will need to develop more patience I reckon.

I have few website but i want to know how to display my website on top most results in the Search Engine Results specially in Google, bing, Yahoo etc.

Waiting for experts responses.

do you want to do it by your self or want to hire some one for this task? its all about time , patience and different experiences. no one could give you right answer to your question until unless he would not have been know all information about your site. simple suggestion is just try to do socialize your sites as much as you can do.

First choose your keywords & use them in your site title page,post title & in the posts.Make sure that the keyword density should be between 4-6%.Try to get good quality backlinks from other reputed sites of same niches.

i don't think so keyword density would take apart in SERP and good quality backlinks give you good pr. there are no. of factors on which SERP is being depending now a days specially when there are immense sites being working as your competitor.

Great and very useful information you have been posting here. I have been trying to get some help with getting my 2 websites indexed (http://www.thepolishbaker.co.uk and http://www.rudakiewicz.co.uk).

Have been trying different trick including the above one but still no luck:(.
I will need to develop more patience I reckon.

luck will follow you soon just keep it up & don't give up.

First of all, SEO takes time and it requires constant monitoring and tweaking so your content reflects the search behavior and expectation of your expected visitors. Second, you have to make sure site does not violate any White Hat SEO tips. Third, you need to keep the content fresh and relevant.

To proper seo both side on page and off page . amd also web 2.0 promotion to help Website on Top Results

Hey friend....The clear answer to your question is SEO......It is time taking process and patience should be the virtue when waiting for SEO results...SEO results doesn't come overnight.....Do keyword research and analysis, create unique and quality content, do article submissions, directory submissions, forum and blog postings, social bookmarking.....etc....and the list goes on.....

All the Best....

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