
I am looking for best article directories that are easy to accept my articles.

I have been using articlebase, articledashboard to submit my articles. Other article directories like webpronews, buzzle are too hard to get approved.

As you know I am not a native English writer so these articles usually reject mine.


OK I tell you try finding those article directories which are made on Wordpress.

In Google, put "powered by wordpress" + "theme by dimox" you would get thousands of article directories by Dimox.

These are easy to use and they can accept any articles.

Article Pool is other very good.

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Living-seo-life, thanks for sharing these!

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No worries mate.

Thanks for the list.. But all of them do not give you fast approval.. Two things should be kept in mind while doing article submission.. First you have to do directories which give you instant approval and secondly they should be of high PR!

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