Hi there,

I am wondering to know after you make a backlink how long does it take to google index it and consider it as a backlink for you?

I take about 3 -6 months to crawl link s. I have made over 2000 backlinks for my site an when checking my backlink then it is showing only 338 .

Hmm 3-6 months is a lot of time don't you think so? and how do you get backlinks from? Can you give us some tips?

Very few, if any, unmerited link will be considered important enough for Google to list. Most links acquired artificially are of no value to both the search engine and a potential Internet visitor.

Hmm 3-6 months is a lot of time don't you think so? and how do you get backlinks from? Can you give us some tips?

go to the google webmasters page. read, and follow the only tips that actually matter.
google make the rules, everyone else follows. As CFred wrote :" Very few, if any, unmerited link will be considered important enough for Google to list. ": go one further, unmerited links have a very negative affect. those sites promising you immediate results, get results, but the list they get you on, is the blacklist, not good results.
links have less importance than you seem to think, the site content is of more interest to se spiders.
"Proof of Google PageRank" is bovine excreta, Google's algorithm is kept very close to home

It takes about a months to crawl and some times it takes a long time because google only crawl only 2-3 page of each site daily

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