Can any one tell me how to increase my vistors to my blog site

Just to start, tell all your friends about your blog site using Facebook or Twitter if you use social networks. If you don't use social networks, perhaps it's time you started.

Did you submit your blog URL to Google or Bing or other search engines? I'm not really sure about how exactly you do that but I'm sure Google and others have easy ways to do that.

Do you allow commenting? I've seen blogs that don't and I've thought they should as a blog site should be interactive with people if you want people to keep coming back.

Hopefully this helps a bit and good luck.

A few more ideas are to:
-comment on relevant blogs with well thought out comments
-Guest post on other related blogs (don't overdo it)
-Generally just make relationships with other webmasters in your site's niche

Nice share Stuugie :)

Here is a concept: consider writing something worth a read.

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