Does anyone know when the next Google PR update is going to take place? It's been a long time since the last one, I've heard rumors about the IPO getting in the way, but does anyone have any insider news to share?

Basically everyone is just up in arms about when the next PR update will happen. We've experienced a few backlink updates recently, but no change in PR for the most part. What I've been hearing is that this is part of Google's new effort to stop the buying and selling of PR (trading links). In other words, google is switching to a quarterly PR update instead of a monthly update.

Does it means that PR is worth very little these days .. ???

Yup. Definitely don't hold any weight in PR anymore.

I think that it definitely makes sense for google to stop putting a lot of weight on PR. PR has always been an instrumental part of their search algorithm. However, what few people realize is that the pagerank algorithm isn't owned by google - it's owned by Stanford University. Therefore, it was a business move when google went public with their IPO to convince the webmaster community that PR shouldn't hold much weight - they can't rightly sell stocks based on technology they don't own the rights to.

Update coming this March, Called the "big boy update" Spring Update said to shake things up since Jagger didn't do the trick.

Update coming this March, Called the "big boy update" Spring Update said to shake things up since Jagger didn't do the trick.

I'm intrigued to find out more, do you have sources for this information?

Update coming this March, Called the "big boy update" Spring Update said to shake things up since Jagger didn't do the trick.

i thought google already updated this year, in early feb 06. Where did you get your information?

Google doing PR up date at this time, started yesterday Feb 18 2006. This has been observed by specialists at Usenet group. I have personally had three web sites jump 3 PR's yesterday.

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