when i started to use twitter i got to know that is only for celebrity of popular persons you won't get followers easily what you can do is only retwwwt to VIP and be a follwer of them

yes getting the followers from twitter will be little bit tough. Try to tweet your followers or others with the latest topics or changes those will happen in your niches. So that you may get the followers.

Yeah I Know,
It so hard to do, I am facing the same Problem.
But yes you can invite your friends.
Tweet the latest article and attractive so that The one who is follower can get it.

If you are having site, then just add "follow on twitter button" and this may help you

twitter for all person not only for specific peoples

Its not for VIPs but that is true that you do not get followers easily.

you can get followers by doing twitter marketing effectively like posting interesting tweets, retweeting other tweets, inviting visitors to your twitter page etc., there are lot of free ebooks available in the net about twitter marketing, grab any and follow the steps given there you will get followers definitely

i think internet is for every one so social media sites are for every one

Certainly not, Twitter is a social networking site like other social networking sites. That designed for every one for connecting along with peoples, post your communications. In case we all feel in the business way next it is definitely useful with regard to marketing purpose and engaging the peoples. And I realize that having followers on twitter just isn't easy similar to having enjoys on FB. But we can do it.
So open account and use it.

Twitter is not for only vip can also anyone use. after create account follow some people which has low follower account or new. when some people follow you then you can also follow.

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